Just wondering on this day how many of my friends offices are closed for MLK Day? Before you start giving me all your philosophical garbage and excuses let me say I am not judging you but wanting to ask you to think about something.
When this day first was decided I must admit I didn't like it. I feel like we have too many holidays. I feel like our govt employees already get too many days off for these things at our expense. I felt like, lets reserve this for Presidents. I mean how many times can we honor a person or persons without wrecking our economy. (Of course we have managed to do that already so that is a mute point now). I also was not sure having a civil rights type holiday would not do more harm than good. I mean there are lots of good people doing great things in honor of freedom and civil rights.
But over the years as I have thought about it and have more and more friends who are black and BTW most are not African Americans but blacks from practically every country on Earth. Our church is a melting pot. I realized there are just certain seminal moments in history that can't be ignored. This is one of them. I don't believe MLK was a saint. I think he had plenty of flaws, but he also raised a flaw in our culture that I lived and was on the wrong side of it in the terms of racism. I was taught segregation as good and righteous. Boy, can we twist scriptures.
Aside from your thoughts and personal opinions. This is why I decided our church would close our offices and take the day off in honor of him. To honor my friends who are black, African Americans and other cultures who are considered the minority in our country. To show sensitivity, and to honor what a man did and was willing to die for. If there has ever been a picture of just how far our nation has come since MLK first marched in Alabama, you need look no farther than our White House. If anyone stands on his shoulders it is President Obama. Even with all the disagreements I have with his politics, I wept the week he was sworn in, because of what it meant to our country and how far it showed we had come. In a good sense in Racial relations. Are we there yet? heck no. We will always struggle with this, because of mans sin nature. It doesn't matter who or what race is in the majority, there will be racism and prejudice. But as Christians we must overcome this. Just as our sinful nature is tempted in other areas it is in this area. We must rise above it.
Now for pastors, I have a question. Whether you philisophically agree with the day or not, if you have ever lamented you would like to have a more diverse church, then this might be the first step. Honor your Minorities you already have even if its one or two. Others will see your spirit. When Oasis Church began displaying the flags of the nations who attend our church it made a statement. Hundreds over the years have attended our church just because of the statement we make every-week by flying the flags of 84 countries.
Pastor friends, maybe you should put aside your personal opinions and make a statement to ALL People in your community. Start with taking MLK day off and close your office. Im proud we do it and I am proud to be a diverse church. "For God so loved the World" John 3:16