Dear Extended Oasis Family and Friends,
My first thought this morning as I began to write my weekly email to you was Love, Love, Love. The summer of 1969 was called the Summer of Love - with the dawning of a "New Age" and the Woodstock Music Festival that changed our culture and world forever - not necessarily for the better. This "Summer of Missions" could easily be called the "Summer of Love" at Oasis and its changing the world FOR the better and for eternity.
I have never experienced, felt or observed more love than what I have seen and experienced inside and especially outside of our four walls this summer! Our amazing church family loving each other, our church, our communities, inner cities, the hurting and other countries.
"LOVE, LOVE, LOVE" that’s Oasis Church this summer! Let me share a few examples:

Laundry Love - Our students are gathering up quarters and any other coins to show love to those who cant afford to own a washer/dryer and are regularly using a local laundromat in North Miami - very close to our North Miami Campus. They will literally be taking your coins and doing the wash next week. On Saturday, July 25 at 10:00 a.m. they will be taking a shuttle from the Pembroke Pines Campus to the laundromat in North Miami. You can bring your coins and put them in the washing machine receptacle in the lobby at your campus this weekend.

Homeless Love - Our young adult ministry - Drop - is also going next Saturday (July 25th) to minister to the homeless in our Broward County community. If you would like to go, they will be meeting at 6:45 a.m. at the Pembroke Pines Campus to carpool to the event. The address to the event is: Christ Community Church - 901 E McNab Rd, Pompano Beach, FL 33060. You can also donate toward this outreach by following @DropNight on Instagram to be updated on where to drop off your donation.

Inner-City Love - Mission Detroit is in August when we will be taking at least 25 people to minister to the inner city churches and neighborhoods in one of the most depressed and distressed cities in our nation. THE TRIP IS FULL BUT YOU CAN STILL SHOW YOUR LOVE by giving to those raising funds to go, you can give dresses to Tiaras Ministry here and you can pray for those going. Please pray for the girls who will be attending the Tiaras Ball, the Pastors attending the Legacy Ministries/Activate Leadership Seminar and for all the mission work that will be done at Victory Fellowship Church and their newly acquired "Missions Center". You know a city is distressed when most of the houses in the neighborhood are abandoned, boarded up and the church we partner with can buy a 3,500 square foot home across the street from the church for $100 from the city. Yes, I said $100. Our group will be helping to restore it.

ONE LOVE - Our student ministry - One Students - is experiencing revival this summer! Not only has it shown in the spiritual decisions of the students but the phenomenal growth in their weekly student worship experiences on Thursday nights at 7:00 p.m. Last Thursday night - in the middle of summer - our Students had over 160 in attendance. This shatters all attendance records. Their goal was to hit 100 this year. That was very achievable considering the size of our church but considering that just over a year and a half ago we had between 25-30 on Thursday nights. Now they are pressing toward 200 students on Thursday nights. There is revival going on…we know that teenagers don’t just bring their friends to something unless they are excited and sold on it. I'm glad they are sold out loving Jesus and loving others. Thanks Pastor Joe, his wife Aaren, and all our volunteer student ministry leaders for loving our teens.
Love God - We are celebrating all that God is and has done through Oasis Church this Summer with a special "Night of Worship" led by our own Executive Worship Pastor - Ricky Garcia - and other guests artists on Friday, July 31 at 7:00 p.m. at our Pembroke Pines Campus. This worship night will allow us to express our LOVE for God and our gratitude for all He is and has done in our lives. Do not miss this. It’s going to be a great night of worship. Let us know you will be there on Facebook!

Loving God through our Giving - Of course, NONE of this I have mentioned could be possible without the hundreds of Oasiser’s and families who Love God and show it through their giving of their tithes and offerings to Him through Oasis Church. As you can imagine ministry on the scale you see at Oasis is not free nor cheap. We do not get outside funding. We rely on God’s plan. That is His people giving back to Him through their local church. Thank you to so many of you who LOVE GOD and show it through your generosity. I am eternally grateful to each of you.

God bless you and I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we continue our new series, "Life Verse". Our guest speaker this weekend is Pastor Jeremy Higdon of Oasis Church in North Florida. Jeremy was on our Pastoral team for 12 years as well as our first student pastor. God is using him and his wife, Jeannine, to build a great church in Jacksonville. He has some really exciting God sized stories to share this weekend - Don't miss it!
Guy Melton
Senior Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. Last week, we unveiled our new Giving Kiosk in the lobby of our campuses. This is another easy, quick and secure way to give God’s tithes and your offerings. It only takes a few minutes before or after the service to sign up - once your sign up it’ll only take you seconds to give everything you use the kiosks. I used it in less than a minute last weekend. Try it out. Of course you can always go ONLINE anytime, 24/7, right here or bring your tithes in an envelope.