Posted at 09:44 PM in Church Emails, Message Thoughts, Missions, Oasis Church (Pines Campus), Religion, Travel, www.visitoasis.org | Permalink | Comments (0)
In 26 Years as a church, this is a first! There are not many firsts anymore now that our church is 26 years old. I remember back when there were “firsts” of some major degree almost every month and year. But with growth and longevity, the “first time" for something significant doesn’t come along very often, but when they do, they are very special.
This week has been a first! For the first time since we launched Oasis Church with our core of 11 adults in September of 1991, I believe Oasis Church has tasted what a true “revival” is. In recent years churches have called special meetings revivals where they bring in an Evangelist and some do this annually. But I’ve only truly seen one once in my lifetime – a moment in time when what I experienced was only God and no man, service or event. This week, I have seen “revival" for the second time. This time at Oasis Church.
It wasn't scripted or choreographed with lights, fog machines, or some event but it came organically through the prayers of God’s people. As I shared with our staff this morning, we have seen God. He has come down and touched us in the last 36 hours – during our 24 Hour Prayer Vigil and ending with our Night of Worship and breaking of our fast with a full auditorium worshiping God together last night.
I don't think revival can be fully explained or understood and I find it hard, even now, to share what God’s done in our midst to those who have not experienced it first hand. All I know is God has been here this week like I’ve never seen it. From the moment almost 300 different Oasis'ers came through the Prayer War Room set up Tuesday night in our Community Cafe, the reaction was the same, "God is here,” the presence of God is so strong here. He was and is.
Most of us have struggled to even explain what’s happened and that is how it was in the Bible when God touched people and revival came. It wasn’t something that could be explained in human words. You just know you’ve been with the Lord and He has changed you. Even as I type, I have to keep stopping and erasing because I just can’t explain what we have witnessed these last 36 hours. I just long to experience it again and again.
Revival comes when God’s people humble themselves, pray and seek His face. That is what we have done this week and He has brought revival in our hearts and souls. Hundreds of prayer requests have been saturated with prayer and we will see God’s answers for years to come. Chains have and will be broken.
I would like to end this email with a few testimonies people have shared with me. Since I have not asked permission I’ll leave their names off but these represent a few of what hundreds have felt this week. If you were here, you understand.
"My husband and I were there and just felt God's presence and his peace which surpasses all understanding. We prayed over a few stations and truly believe that we will be hearing testimonies of answered prayers. A church that prays together – stays together and is up for a great blessing. My husband and I want to thank you for bringing this vigil to Oasis and would love to have more of them." Long-time members
"WOW, WOW, WOW! What a great move of God! " Millennial
“… I prayed with her on Tuesday night she told me it was her second time here and that she used to go to church but somehow she got lost... She was here praying with her Grandma.” Long Time Member. NOTE: This girl in this note brought her whole family to "Night of Worship" last night. Her brother got saved last night!
"The feeling of community amongst the people who attended the prayer vigil was immense, even without uttering a word to each other. Wouldn't it be great if we could have a War Room within the church where people could come in and experience what we experienced in those 24 hrs?" First Impressions Champion
"I could sense God’s presence and His angels all around us as soon as I stepped into the building. It was like heaven went down into our church and even when I couldn’t see them with my own eyes I felt angels and God’s spirit all over the place (I know I sound crazy). It was so so overwhelming, I was bawling my eyes out during all the service from beginning to end and it was extremely overwhelming in a good sense... honestly, I was not ready to feel what I felt. Well, He said it! If there are 2-3 gathered in His name, He would be there and hollyyyyyy mollyyyyyy He was, and all His court!" New Oasis Member
“… Was blown away by the number of men who came to pray before work.” Oasis Team member
"As soon as I stepped inside the Cafe (Prayer Room) I was overwhelmed with the presence of God. You can feel the spirit of the Lord here. God is absolutely working." ONE Students member
"It’s amazing when a man walks in (Prayer Vigil) and says I have no idea what I'm doing and as you walk him through, God leads him to the prayer wall and he is just in tears and God turns him into a Prayer Warrior. He is a new Christian, just saved in November." Prayer Room Host
"This is the most powerful thing I've ever witnessed. Seriously. Kudos to everyone who made this come to fruition. I pray we can do this more." New Millennial Oasis'er
"Pretty amazing – not only did I get to pray for several people but if other people saw someone crying, they were going over and praying for them also. Totally amazing" Prayer Room Host
"Just leaving Oasis right now. Such an amazing time of introspection and intimacy with the Father. I will definitely be back tomorrow" Kids World Volunteer
Oasis, God has blessed us with His presence, may we be faithful in prayer and our faithfulness to Him. To be continued…
Guy Melton
Senior and Founding Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. There were also 64 new Prayer Partners who signed up to be my partners each week in praying over our services and those on our Prayer Digest. If you would like to join us, just let us know and I’ll send you the details. Email [email protected].
Posted at 05:52 PM in Church Emails, Church Staff, Message Thoughts, Missions, Oasis Church (Pines Campus), Religion, www.visitoasis.org | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 12:00 AM in Church Emails, Current Affairs, Message Thoughts, Oasis Church (Pines Campus), Religion, www.visitoasis.org | Permalink | Comments (0)
Dear Oasis Extended Family and Friends;
Over $1 Million Dollars pledged to Love Cities, Love Pastors Missions Outreach last week. How can you put what happened into words? I’m not sure how I can but I’ll try to just give you some of the highlights. If you missed the Celebration Dinner on Wednesday night, words can’t really do justice. If you missed the weekend services when our pledges kept climbing in each service and “tears were flowing freely" like I’ve never seen before, then I am not sure I can really paint the picture. But here are some highlights.
"Love Cities, Love Pastors Celebration Dinner." Last Wednesday night after almost 600 adults, teens and children signed up for the dinner, most of them showed up to pack our auditorium and cafe. It was an amazing sight. Most were blown away by the beauty of the room and the decorations our staff and volunteers had prepared for such a special occasion (hopefully in the future we can figure out how to accommodate more of our Oasis family since we had to shut down registrations when we filled our building). The night began with a beautiful meal and a "jazz combo" playing as we ate, but that was just the beginning. After an incredible 15-minute video of all that God has done through you, Oasis, over the last 3 years as you have given to LCLP, we could have just gone home. Hundreds, if not thousands, have been touched and changed through your giving. Following the video Pastor Daryl Gaddy, our partner in Detroit, brought an inspiring challenge to us to continue the work that God has started. He also brought us up to date with the new Missions Center we are helping him to complete in Detroit. You can watch the video from last weekend here! It’s incredible.
The highlight of the night was when the pledges came in and they far surpassed the goal for the dinner of $500,000 for Love Cities, Love Pastors outreach over the next 3 years. Because of this we were able to present Pastor Tommy and Kristin Parke a check for $10,000 towards their new church plant, City Church, in Miami. We also presented Pastor Daryl with a $10,000 gift towards completing the Missions Center his church is establishing in inner city Detroit. Those were amazing moments.
The night ended with a reminder to keep praying and giving and a thank you gift "mug" to everyone in attendance. By the way, if you have your mug and you’re using it take a picture and post your “Mug Shot" on social media, hashtag it #lclpmugshot and we will share it. Love seeing them. Keep posting.
The LCLP Weekend was one of the highlights of our almost 26 years on this little corner. Service after service, as we shared the LCLP vision for the next 3 years with those who had not been at the dinner, we continued to add to the pledge totals for local and US missions and church planting over the next 3 years. During the 9am service we went over the $750, 000 pledge mark and we were able to present Lily Garcia, our Executive Director of Community and Leadership Development, another $10,000 check toward the NEW homeless single moms’ home called "Asia's House.” This was probably the most emotional moment of the entire weekend. You will hear more as we continue to give to LCLP and find the home to house homeless moms and their children.
More than $1 Million in pledges was reached at our last service of the day during our 1pm service. ONLY GOD! (The total continues to grow. If you missed last weekend we will have pledge cards available this weekend at all services so you can still be a part of this miraculous Missions outreach that has grown far beyond our original vision.)
"Tommy and Kristin Parke sent out!” The icing on the cake this past weekend was the ending of our LCLP weekend and service when we had an opportunity to pray over and officially send Pastor Tommy and Kristin out as our church planters to begin a new church next year in the heart of downtown Miami. City Church is now a reality. It was so emotional for me since I still remember so vividly how my home church, First Baptist Church of West Hollywood, sent Tonia and I out almost 26 years ago as Pastor Bud McCord spoke the words, "We give you away", the same words I spoke this past weekend. Pray for the Parkes as they spend the next 9 months preparing to birth this new baby church in Miami.
Next week I’ll share more about all that our Love Cities, Love Pastors will be supporting over the next 3 years. Your pledges do NOT have to be given all at once. You have 3 years. If you want to give online you can here, when you give the Lord’s tithes, and if you would like to pledge online you can also do that by just clicking HERE!
Pastor Jeremy Higdon will be speaking this weekend. We’ll be welcoming one of our former staff pastors and church planters back to Oasis this weekend. Don’t miss it. God has used Jeremy and Jeannine in a huge way in Jacksonville since we sent them out 7 years ago, and he will give us an update of all God is and has done there because of your faithfulness and giving to that new church 7 years ago.
Love you guys and see you this weekend.
Guy Melton
Senior and Founding Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
PS. When you give the Lord His tithes and your Bike for Haiti, Missions and Love Cities, Love Pastors offerings, you can always do it here ONLINE or bring it to the service you attend. Thanks Oasis for being so generous and giving to those who have far greater needs than we do.
Dear Oasis Extended Family and Friends;
Over $1 Million Dollars pledged to Love Cities, Love Pastors Missions Outreach last week. How can you put what happened into words? I’m not sure how I can but I’ll try to just give you some of the highlights. If you missed the Celebration Dinner on Wednesday night, words can’t really do justice. If you missed the weekend services when our pledges kept climbing in each service and “tears were flowing freely" like I’ve never seen before, then I am not sure I can really paint the picture. But here are some highlights.
"Love Cities, Love Pastors Celebration Dinner." Last Wednesday night after almost 600 adults, teens and children signed up for the dinner, most of them showed up to pack our auditorium and cafe. It was an amazing sight. Most were blown away by the beauty of the room and the decorations our staff and volunteers had prepared for such a special occasion (hopefully in the future we can figure out how to accommodate more of our Oasis family since we had to shut down registrations when we filled our building). The night began with a beautiful meal and a "jazz combo" playing as we ate, but that was just the beginning. After an incredible 15-minute video of all that God has done through you, Oasis, over the last 3 years as you have given to LCLP, we could have just gone home. Hundreds, if not thousands, have been touched and changed through your giving. Following the video Pastor Daryl Gaddy, our partner in Detroit, brought an inspiring challenge to us to continue the work that God has started. He also brought us up to date with the new Missions Center we are helping him to complete in Detroit. You can watch the video from last weekend here! It’s incredible.
The highlight of the night was when the pledges came in and they far surpassed the goal for the dinner of $500,000 for Love Cities, Love Pastors outreach over the next 3 years. Because of this we were able to present Pastor Tommy and Kristin Parke a check for $10,000 towards their new church plant, City Church, in Miami. We also presented Pastor Daryl with a $10,000 gift towards completing the Missions Center his church is establishing in inner city Detroit. Those were amazing moments.
The night ended with a reminder to keep praying and giving and a thank you gift "mug" to everyone in attendance. By the way, if you have your mug and you’re using it take a picture and post your “Mug Shot" on social media, hashtag it #lclpmugshot and we will share it. Love seeing them. Keep posting.
The LCLP Weekend was one of the highlights of our almost 26 years on this little corner. Service after service, as we shared the LCLP vision for the next 3 years with those who had not been at the dinner, we continued to add to the pledge totals for local and US missions and church planting over the next 3 years. During the 9am service we went over the $750, 000 pledge mark and we were able to present Lily Garcia, our Executive Director of Community and Leadership Development, another $10,000 check toward the NEW homeless single moms’ home called "Asia's House.” This was probably the most emotional moment of the entire weekend. You will hear more as we continue to give to LCLP and find the home to house homeless moms and their children.
More than $1 Million in pledges was reached at our last service of the day during our 1pm service. ONLY GOD! (The total continues to grow. If you missed last weekend we will have pledge cards available this weekend at all services so you can still be a part of this miraculous Missions outreach that has grown far beyond our original vision.)
"Tommy and Kristin Parke sent out!” The icing on the cake this past weekend was the ending of our LCLP weekend and service when we had an opportunity to pray over and officially send Pastor Tommy and Kristin out as our church planters to begin a new church next year in the heart of downtown Miami. City Church is now a reality. It was so emotional for me since I still remember so vividly how my home church, First Baptist Church of West Hollywood, sent Tonia and I out almost 26 years ago as Pastor Bud McCord spoke the words, "We give you away", the same words I spoke this past weekend. Pray for the Parkes as they spend the next 9 months preparing to birth this new baby church in Miami.
Next week I’ll share more about all that our Love Cities, Love Pastors will be supporting over the next 3 years. Your pledges do NOT have to be given all at once. You have 3 years. If you want to give online you can here, when you give the Lord’s tithes, and if you would like to pledge online you can also do that by just clicking HERE!
Pastor Jeremy Higdon will be speaking this weekend. We’ll be welcoming one of our former staff pastors and church planters back to Oasis this weekend. Don’t miss it. God has used Jeremy and Jeannine in a huge way in Jacksonville since we sent them out 7 years ago, and he will give us an update of all God is and has done there because of your faithfulness and giving to that new church 7 years ago.
Love you guys and see you this weekend.
Guy Melton
Senior and Founding Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
PS. When you give the Lord His tithes and your Bike for Haiti, Missions and Love Cities, Love Pastors offerings, you can always do it here ONLINE or bring it to the service you attend. Thanks Oasis for being so generous and giving to those who have far greater needs than we do.
Dear Extended Oasis Family and Friends, "Mother's Day" is this Sunday, as if you did not already know. I've written 40 years of Mother's Day tributes... 26 years here at Oasis. This is a very special day around the world. At Oasis Church, this weekend will be one of our BEST EVER! Our team has put together some really great things to honor all of our mother figures whether it's your Mom, a Grandma or you. It is definitely a weekend to bring your whole family. It will be very special. As I've mentioned every Mother's Day, it's always a bitter sweet day because while we honor our Moms, for some families, mom was absent or the relationship was strained or is strained. Some of our Moms are no longer with us. I know I've always tried to imagine what that would be like on Mother's Day. I know it is painful and now, this year, it has become personal as I celebrate Mother's Day without my mom. But I salute all the Moms in my life. Tonia, who is the most phenomenal Mom and Grandma and Ta-Ta ever. My two daughter-in-laws, Jenni and Sabrina, that are not only gifts to our sons and our grandkids but to us as in-laws. We could not have asked for better ones. Lastly, but one of the most special people in my life, is my mother-in-law, Yvonne. Not only did she raise the most incredible wife for me, but she set us up and knew we would marry before we did, or before we even started dating. I often say I loved her before I loved Tonia. Happy Mother's Day to all the women in my life and Happy Mother's Day to all our Moms of Oasis. Words can't express our love for you. NOW SOMETHING I'VE NEVER DONE BEFORE, BUT TO HONOR MY MOM I WANT TO SHARE THE LITTLE BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH I WROTE FOR HER MEMORIAL SERVICE LAST NOVEMBER. The Dash between the Date
January 9, 1931- November 20, 2016 It's often said the most important thing on a person's headstone is the Dash. It's not the Beginning and the Ending. In the case of Zilla C. Melton this dash could fill volumes during her lifetime. Zilla Childs was born on January 9, 1931 in Lakeland, Florida to parents, George Childs and Mabel Turner Childs. She was the younger of two siblings. Her brother Burke Childs preceded her in death. Zilla grew up in a hard working family. Her father George opened the First Ford Dealership in Central Florida and owned it until his retirement. A favorite story he liked to tell is that he sold George Jenkins, founder of Publix Supermarkets, his first set of tires on credit when he had no money. Zilla grew up in Winter Haven, Florida where she graduated from Winter Haven High in 1949. She attended Florida State University following graduation, before marrying James H. Melton on September 29, 1950. They had 4 wonderful children, Tracy, Ron, Guy and Cindy. All survive their beloved mother and have provided her with 10 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren and a host of in-laws. After moving to Hollywood, Florida in 1963, Zilla began working for the Broward County School board working herself up from an aide to secretary and ultimately served as Office Manager in two Pembroke Pines Elementary Schools for 30 years before retiring. Zilla was known for many things but chief of them all was, Mom and Granny. Her priorities in life were clearly, faith, family, and food in that order. She adored her family and her family adored her. Every child, grandchild and even great grandchild was always made to feel like they were the most special. She had a unique way of making every person feel special. She was quiet, shy and unassuming but impacted 1,000’s of people beyond her family. She was one of 11 founding members who began Oasis Church of South Florida in September 1991 and served there in most every capacity during her 23 years as a faithful member before moving to Covenant Village of Florida in Plantation. Her almost 3 years at Covenant Village were the happiest years of her life. Every time there was an event or a bus leaving she was there and on the bus. All of us loved her daily pictures and updates on Facebook whether it was at her first dance, a chef's talk or a visit to Hollywood Beach, her favorite place in all the world, with her Covenant Village friends. Whether you call her Mom or Granny you will always cherish the memories of the reunions she organized, the summer beach stays on Hollywood Beach, the Tea Parties, annual Hallmark Ornaments she bought for everyone and anything else where there was fun and food. Zilla had every one of her final wishes granted. She was pain free, her sickness was quick, she passed away in her own home and she had many of her family holding her hand, praying over her, singing hymns and sharing their love for her as she took her last breath and entered into the presence of her Lord she loved so much and longed to see. Her greatest wish was that all her loved ones would know Jesus, serve Him and spend eternity with her. She shared this continually with her family until her very last hours. That is the legacy of Zilla C. Melton and only a little of the Dash of what would fill volumes of her life between the dates. So long Mom, Granny, Aunt and friend. We love you and “we will see you in the morning. AND FOR ALL OF YOU WHO SHARE THIS FIRST MOTHER'S DAY WITHOUT YOUR MOM, KNOW THAT YOU ARE IN MY PRAYERS AND I HURT WITH YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. And for all of you who still have your Moms… love them while you can. I love you Oasis Church and I am humbled to be called your Pastor. Guy Melton P.S. Ladies don't forget DREAM Conference! We are just a week away from what will go down as one of the most powerful women’s events at Oasis. There’ll be so many creative elements and a host of speakers who will pour into you. But, beyond that, you will be challenged to be UNLEASHED! So much more in store for you! You’ll just have to be here to see for yourself. If you would like to register now, click here to complete the form. P.P.S. MEN, THE "MEN'S BEACH RETREAT" IS ALMOST FULL. IF YOU PLAN TO GO YOU HAD BETTER GET REGISTERED. WIVES, REGISTER HIM NOW AND GIVE IT TO HIM FOR FATHER'S DAY. DON'T BE LEFT OUT. THE RETREAT CENTER IS NOT LARGE AND THERE IS ONLY SO MANY BEDS. Sign up now! tel 954.433.4838 | fax 954.433.2004 | [email protected] |
Posted at 11:04 PM in Church Emails, Family/Personal, International Internet Campus, Oasis Church (Pines Campus), Religion | Permalink | Comments (0)
Dear Extended Oasis Family and Friends,
Many times the words "Miracle, Miraculous or Supernatural" are over used in the church. But there are some times when they are truly appropriate and absolutely true. This email will share a few of those instances. I want to share a report I received yesterday while meeting with one of our primary Haitian partners for an update on their ministry that we support and the seminary we underwrite for the training of Pastors in the St. Marc region of Haiti. There is far too much to share here but if you support Bike for Haiti in any way, your heart should be so full and you should get so excited. Just listening to him made me want to leave immediately and go see all the things God has done in this area of Haiti through our partner Pastor Jean Moise. PLEASE READ THE WHOLE EMAIL TODAY AND JUST LET THE FEW PICTURES TELL YOU JUST A SMALL PART OF THE STORY. THESE PICTURES ARE POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF YOU WHO GIVE TO BIKE FOR HAITI. This is a portion of the letter he sent after our meeting yesterday. "Oasis has been there for me since the beginning of my missionary journey to Haiti (following the earthquake) when everybody else had walked away for personal or financial reasons, you and your church family continue to provide for the ministry. My wife, my children and I will be forever grateful. We value your ministry and your support that we have received over the years. I finally realized that our first trip to Haiti was not a coincidence (7 years ago). The Lord knew that I was going to need your support and the support of Oasis Church for such times like this. The ministry in Haiti is at a different level. God has taken it, and multiplied it. We finally have a school to educate the children in Pierre - Payne and the surrounding area. The church is growing. The seminary has more students than I expected. Five more churches have been started in the past two years. Pastor Jean Moise Oasis Church, this is miraculous. Let me illustrate through some numbers and pictures. Guy Melton and Pastor Jean Moise First Kindergarten Class (Above) Bike for Haiti/Oasis Church underwrites the seminary for pastors. They have averaged 50 pastors a year in their training. This year they have 117 in their seminary. WOW. The new church planted during a revival that an Oasis missions group did 2 years ago in Pierre Payne. This church has grown to over 200 and they have baptized over 100 new believers. It is the fastest growing church in the region. The new Church has built a building this year and began a school with 47 Kindergarten children. Pastor Moise, his four children who are in college and recent graduates have funded the construction to begin the school. Dr. and Mrs. Moise give 50% of their income to the ministry and churches they've planted in Haiti. Now, over 50 churches have been planted by Mission Evangelique Baptiste Mosheh, Inc. (MEMB), the ministry Dr. Jean Moise started. The new church in Pierre Payne now plans on building a new facility to launch an Elementary and Middle School this fall in order to continue to educate and reach the community around it with the gospel. OASIS, WE ARE ABLE TO MAKE A SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENT IN THIS GROWING MINISTRY AND SCHOOL BECAUSE OF YOUR GIVING TO BIKE FOR HAITI. I INFORMED PASTOR MOISE YESTERDAY WE WILL UNDERWRITE THE FIRST PHASE OF THE NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING BECAUSE OF YOUR BIKE FOR HAITI GIVING. We will immediately send them $10,000 to begin construction this spring before the rainy season begins. Bike for Haiti, because of you, we will also begin supporting the new school by investing in underwriting the teacher’s salary and other expenses for the new elementary school which amounts to $1,000 a month. There is so much more happening there but I just cant go into it all here but you are making a difference beyond anything we could have ever imagined 7 years ago when Pastor Jean and I met for a one day trip to Haiti. God did a miraculous work in my heart in that 24 hour period which led to Bike for Haiti, the New York Ride, and this past year the California-Miami ride. Your giving is fueling miraculous things in Haiti that are supernatural in nature. For sure. Thank you Oasis Church. You are incredible. I know this has been long but I just had to share with you the incredible things happening because of you Oasis. I hope you will continue to give to Bike for Haiti. If you pledged, you know you can give by envelope on weekends with your tithes and offerings or you can go online. If you have not pledged but would like to be a part of something in Haiti making an eternal difference in thousands of lives, you can give by envelope or go online here. You will find the tab for tithes and you will also see Missions and Bike for Haiti. Of course it is important to give the Lord His tithes first. Without the tithe, all the other mission work would not be possible since Oasis Church is able to minister in so many ways by the tithes you give the Lord through Oasis. I am grateful to each of you who give so faithfully. God bless you and I look forward to seeing you again this weekend. We are going to have a great message in our new series, “Death to Religion.” I love you guys and thanks for the honor it is to serve as your Pastor. Guy Melton Senior and Founding Pastor Oasis Church of South Florida tel 954.433.4838 | fax 954.433.2004 | [email protected] To discontinue receiving these emails send an email to [email protected]. Please indicate whether you want to opt out of all church communication or just these emails.
Dear Extended Oasis Family and Friends; "This is IT," It’s here! Christmas starts TONIGHT! Tonight at 6pm we begin our last weekend of Christmas at the Oasis. Don't miss it and don't miss bringing your friends and neighbors. There is so much to see, hear and do. If you haven't been this year, our youth are presenting a live Christmas show called Jingle Jam, in the auditorium and you will love it! There are 200 nativities selected from our Guinness World Record Nativity Display in the auditorium. Our youth are offering food and refreshments in the Cafe, and don't forget to try out our hot chocolate and hot apple cider as you melt your s'mores over the fire in the Snow Village. Oh, and did I say "snow"? The forecast says there'll be snow every night and after the snow storm try out the most popular activity on the property, the “KidsWorld Express”. These are just a few things to do tonight and through the Christmas weekend (Christmas night has only the drive-through light display).
The Christmas Eve Family Experience is different this year. It won't be the traditional one hour service but will be a time of family experience in the auditorium, which includes live music and other things that will all tie into our "Christmas at the Oasis" experience. The times are 7, 8, and 9pm.
"Christmas Day Services." This is the BIG service this year. Instead of the big Christmas Eve traditional Candlelight Service, we get to celebrate Christmas on Sunday this year. It’s not often that we can celebrate the Savior’s birth on a Sunday. We have TWO services Christmas morning, 10:30am and Noon. Don't miss the opportunity for you and your family to celebrate the birth of Christ this year on Sunday.
"Annual Christmas Offering." Never before has it been more important to have a very large Christmas offering. We need to raise $30,000 more for Christmas this year in order to cover all the Christmas at the Oasis costs. Next christmas display depends on our offering this year. Please consider joining so many of us who have already given or pledged at least $25 this year, over and above our regular tithes and offerings. For everyone that gives at least $25 to support our Christmas Display, you will receive a free Oasis 25th Anniversary Ornament. There aren’t a lot of ornaments left so get yours. By the way, many of us can give far more. If you can give $125, $200 or $3,000 you will be able to take up to 5 ornaments this weekend as long as supplies last.
May you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. I pray God's presence will be with you and yours in a very intimate way this year. Thank you for the honor to serve this wonderful church family as your Pastor.
Guy Melton Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. You can pledge or give until January 1st to our Annual Christmas offering here NOW. You can also give the Lord His tithes and your offerings HERE, 24/7 anytime.
tel 954.433.4838 | fax 954.433.2004 | [email protected] |
My Weekly Prayer Partner email. I thought I would share it with you.
I woke up sick to my stomach this morning and have been feeling this way all day. Yes, it has to do with the election last night. Regardless of the outcome, and which candidate I would have woken up to hear was our new President Elect, I would have felt this way.
I am so sad at the tone of our nation. The anger, bitterness, division and lack of civility that this last year has seen. I'm so sad and literally sick to my stomach today because so many people I know are hurting. Their candidate lost, others are gloating and rubbing it in. Both sides making insensitive remarks and painting the whole other-side with a broad-brush as if all voted for some dark, sinister devilish motive.
I know and love Christian believers who were passionate for all the candidates for president. All had their various reasons. Honestly, it sounded like very few liked their man or woman very much. As I have said in many past elections, I have to vote for the lesser of two evils but in this case, I'm not sure there was a lesser.
To hear some talk, it was as if God had anointed a new Pope for America and their candidate was God's pick. I hate to say this but it's the first time in my 38 years in ministry, I could not stand before those I lead and say vote your Christian conscience and your biblical beliefs. I'm personally not sure that was possible for a Christian. Now don't get me wrong, I believe in voting and Christians should be passionate but I'm not sure candidates can always rise to that standard.
Please let me share my heart with you today. I don't believe Christians please God when we let our anger, bitterness, disappointment or victory affect the way we treat others who might differ from us.
It so saddens me when we as Christians actually think a politician is going to save or doom America. When we live out of fear, bitterness, anger or retribution and let it rule us, it says we are putting our hope more in a man or woman than in our God.
Yesterday morning, I posted an Instagram post and tagged it: #GodisinControl.
We all say it but do we believe it?
As Christ Followers, we have the greatest weapon God has given us. It's not the ballot box or even a social media post. It's prayer. Do we not think God is not aware of the issues in our country? Do we actually think it's a politician who will change it?
Honestly, I think it's only prayer. Please pray. Pray for each other. Pray for ALL our elected officials from the proverbial local Dog Catcher to the President. Yes, as I remember President Obama saying 8 years ago after being elected, "Elections have consequences," but for Christians, we do not have to fear or try to control the outcome and consequences. God will take care of that. Either we have faith or we don't. We believe He is in control or we don't.
Please let me plead with you to pray and not let anger control us.
Pray, do not let pride control us.
Pray, do not let our personal feelings cause us to treat others who differ from us badly.
Pray, instead of cursing.
Pray, instead of getting even.
Pray, instead of gloating.
Pray, for our leaders.
1 Timothy 2:1: "So, first and foremost, I urge God’s people to pray. They should make their requests, petitions, and thanksgivings on behalf of all humanity. 2 Teach them to pray for kings (or anyone in high places for that matter) so that we can lead quiet, peaceful lives—reverent, godly, and holy—3 all of which is good and acceptable before the eyes of God our Savior 4 who desires for everyone to be saved and know the truth."
I learned many years ago that politics divides and it's never been more evident than in this election. But as Christians, we must rise above that and love and pray for those we might even disagree with or as Jesus said, love those who spitefully use you.
Love WINS!
Politics divides, love conquers. Love one another. (He didn't put qualifiers on it.)
God did not call me to promote or endorse a candidate. I am grieved at the many pastors on both sides who publicly endorse and even campaign for a candidate. When they do, they own that candidate and no candidate is perfect, all will disappoint us. People will identify us with that failure or party. I am so sad to see so many pastors take sides. God loves all sides. Jesus died for ALL!
God has called me to love, pray and care for all of our flock and for us to reach out with the GOSPEL to all people. Not just those we agree with. When we let our politics divide us, we take away the platform to share Jesus.
I have been alone all day, working on the finishing touches of this weekend's message. Ironically it's on Grace and to Go...... in Grace. We need to give each other a lot of grace this week. Give people a hug that are hurting. Be sensitive to those who might disagree and above all give grace and God's love. Begin with praying for one another.
Jesus gave us the Gospel to share. It means Good News. Let's share some Good News with someone this week. People need Jesus and hope, not a politician. For me, I will continue to challenge Oasis to feed the homeless each week, fill food pantries of local ministries, love kids, help the hopeless, go love Haiti and other countries and cities like Detroit and those in our neighborhoods that need help. That is where you will find Jesus. May we continue to be about His Kingdom business and not so focused on a temporary home that will soon pass away. Eternity is at stake.
I love you guys.
Posted at 09:02 PM in Church Emails, Current Affairs, Oasis Church (Hollywood), Oasis Church (North Miami), Oasis Church (Pines Campus), Religion | Permalink | Comments (0)
Dear Extended Oasis Family and Friends;
I hope you are in a safe place, shuttered and ready to ride out our first hurricane in a long time in Broward and Dade County. By now, you know we have been so fortunate to have just narrowly avoided the brunt of this Category 4 storm.
While I am thanking God that we are not getting the direct hit, I am also very concerned for friends and family along the Central Coastline around Melbourne, Satellite Beach, Daytona and also our Oasis Church of North Florida in Jacksonville.
It appears the full brunt of the storm will hit the coastline between Melbourne and Daytona. Our middle son Nathan and his family are in Indian Harbour Beach and have been evacuated inland. We are very concerned for their safety and home as we are for so many others.
Earlier in the week, Matthew hit the South Western Coast of Haiti. There have been over 100 lives lost so far and as they get to the remote areas, they fear it will rise much more. Our primary partners have all given us an update and for the most part they have been spared.
We do have some preliminary reports from the Jacmel area where we had our Medical Missions trip last month. The damage there is extensive and we have not even heard from the areas most susceptible. We will give you an update in our Weekend Services.
We are thanking God that most of our families that have loved ones in the Caribbean Islands like Jamaica, Cuba and Haiti have reported that their families have only had minor damage and not loss of life. We Praise God! This is miraculous knowing the power of this storm.
First, please give to our Bike for Haiti Missions. Many already do, but we need more than ever to give as much as ever. We have been funding some big projects, along with our regular Haitian ministries, but we do not have the margin to help with the tremendous needs that will be coming our way. You can give at church this weekend, or you can go online to GIVE NOW (Please remember these gifts are over and above your regular tithes and offerings you normally give). We are very blessed that we will not be spending thousands on repairs and loss of jobs, so let’s make a sacrifice and help others. It’s the least we can do. I assure you that anything given to our Haiti Missions will go directly there and not a penny will stay within our Oasis Ministry here in South Florida.
Secondly, be prepared to help our fellow Floridians to the North who will no doubt, need lots of help. As soon as the storm passes, we will be contacting our many friends in the central and northern parts of the coastal communities of Florida to find out how we can help. I’m sure we might be sending truckloads of help to them. Check our website at visitoasis.org and all our social media pages for more information on how we can help. If there are needs as early as this weekend, we will give you a shout out about those needs for our family North of us.
How appropriate that we begin our NEW SERMON SERIES this weekend, "RIGHT NOW".
I will be opening the series on Saturday and Sunday at all the services. It’s no coincidence that the title of my message is, "Serving Others". There is no better time to serve others than now. We will also be having a time of worship and thanksgiving for God’s grace on us here in South Florida.
There is NO BETTER time to worship and invite someone with you than this weekend. We have so much to be grateful for. Please join me this weekend to Thank God and show our gratitude for how awesome He is!
Can't wait to see you! Stay in and stay safe tonight.
I love you Oasis Church. It’s so great to be home. I am honored and humbled to serve you as pastor.
Guy Melton Senior Pastor Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. Please GIVE NOW not only your tithes and offerings but an extra sacrificial gift for those suffering after the hurricane. You will find the Bike for Haiti giving tab when you click on the special Bike for Haiti graphic on our homepage.
P.P.S We also want to take the time now to extend our condolences to three long-time Oasis families who have lost loved ones this week.
This weekend, on Saturday October 8th, we will be having the Memorial Service for Ms. Anthea Melbourne who passed away last week. The service will begin at 9:30am at our Pembroke Pines Campus. We also extend condolences to the family of Willie Jenkins who suddenly passed away from a massive heart attack. His service information is still pending. Finally, Gaby Estrella-Matos, one of our ONE Students here at Oasis, lost her father suddenly this week. Please be praying for each of these families during their time of grieving.