(This is from 2 years ago, so Ill just add a few things to it and you can read the rest of the 17 years. 19 Years ago, and so , so much has happened. The last few years we have seen added services, over 500 baptisms and attendance continue to supersede anything we would have ever imagined 19 years ago this Sunday. 2,500+ people worshiping weekly in 2 counties, multiple locations, 14 services, several languages and in just a few short weeks our International Internet Campus begins, which has the potential to add hundreds in the short term and thousands in the long term to our Oasis Church family. 2 New mission churches begun in the last two years. Oasis , North Florida/Jacksonville, and Oasis Church Miami with an English and Creole speaking congregation. It is mind Boggling but goes to show what Can happen when God is in a Vision . He does far more than we can ever ask or think. This past week, Oasis Church unveiled our plans for this fall with more new ministry launches than in our 19 year history. If your interested in finding out more on this, and watching the videos telling about all the new ministry launches, you can do that at www.visitoasis.org God bless you Oasis Church and May God grant us many more years as we are faithful to His Mission and our Calling "To Be and Make Disciples"
17 years ago on Sunday, September 15th, 1991 Oasis Church was born. Our name was the First Baptist Church of Pembroke Pines. In 17 years so much has changed, the name may have changed to better reflect our values, culture and who we are, but our Mission and DNA have never changed. Being the founder of Oasis gives me a unique perspective. I cherish the privilege God has given me to not only pastor, but to have been the one in whom He birthed the Vision for Oasis Church. Words cannot describe my gratefulness to Him. It is one of the last things I would have ever chosen to do. I preferred to just move and take a church that was established. I could never start a church from scratch!!! And that is true. But somehow God convinced me that He could use me to start His church. From the first day, Tonia and I have been grateful God allowed us to be a part of this ministry. For a short Video of our History I shared last year with our church click here
So much has changed in this world since the Fall of 1991. So much has changed in our family. Cell phones were basically unknown for the vast majority of us. Computers were for records and business. Our first computer at Oasis was something like an Atari!!!! The world was oblivious, for the most part, of Terrorism. It was a pre 9/11 world where no one could dream of having Islamic terrorists actually fly planes into two of the tallest buildings in the world and the World's most powerful symbol of power, the Pentagon. Hurricane Andrew blew through just prior to our first anniversary and changed little Pembroke Pines forever. The city grew from 65,000 in 1991 to over 150,000 today. Miramar our neighboring city had 35,000 and today has over 150,000 residents. Yes, lots has changed in our world, and our community since 1991. We had two elementary boys, and one in middle school. We had just moved into the house where we would live for 12 years, and see our boys grow from kids to men!!! Now we have one who teaches 3rd graders in our Hollywood Downtown Elementary school - Jim, who is 30 years old. One of our boys, Nathan, is a dad of two of the most beautiful boys ever . He is a great father, good businessman, husband and Follower of Christ. Corey, our youngest, who was just in 3rd grade when we started the church is now 25 (Birthday is tomorrow, Tuesday). He works as the Administrative Assistant to the Executive Pastor at the Calvary Baptist Church in Manhattan. He is engaged to be married next year to his high school sweetheart, Sabrina Jafarr.
Yes, much has changed. We are now a church of multiple campuses. We have 13 services a week and every night of the week. Over 2200 attend each week's services, and come from 70 different countries. We have baptized over 150 new believers this year and continue to see God grow our church family. We started with myself and a part-time secretary. Today there are 50 full and part-time employees on staff. God has given us hundreds of faithful volunteers who make Oasis Church such a great church. Hundreds are in small groups around our South Florida community, every day of the week. This past year our Southern Baptist Convention recognized Oasis Church as one of the 19 Outstanding Churches in our Convention of 45,000 churches over the last 10 years, based on Baptisms, and other growth barometers. There is supposed to be a book coming out in this year examining our church along with the others. From this little tiny trailer in the muck of Pembroke Pines to a vibrant family of believers that is an Oasis 365 days a year. God has done some incredible things. I thank Him for allowing me to have a front row seat. Thanks to all of you who have made Oasis someplace really special. Below are some facts for all those of you who have not been with us since 1991. It gives a little peek of what we looked like then.
September 15, 1991:
*Met in an unfinished mobile building (trailer, 2700 sq.foot) No parking, no sewer hookups, rock parking lot, and lots of mud and muck!!! (We still use that building for our staff offices at the East end of our property)
*3 Acres, $350,000 for land and building owed prior to opening day, with just our 11 Adults!! Big Faith! (10+Million Dollars in Land and buildings, 08)
*We had a core group who left our two sponsor churches of 11 Adults, 6 children - the Oyer Family, Carr Family, Goodwin Family , Padowitz Family, and our family along with my Mom. All the original core families have moved out of South Florida except the Goodwins - Bob and Judy who are still with us. Of course, my mom is still here. I will always be grateful for these 9 adults who followed Tonia and me out into western Pembroke Pines.
*We had 324 that first day. About 50 came from our sponsor churches to help.
*Held our Nursery and Elementary in the day care in the shopping center.
*We averaged about 140 in attendance the first 6 months. 6 Teenagers, 2 were my boys, all of the 6 were boys.
* Our First Budget was $60,000 (08 Budget 2.1 Million)
*1 Full-time staff member--Me!! One secretary, 12 hours a week.
*Baptized 25 the first year
(The picture in the upper left is our present lay Church Council. These men and women meet monthly.They share Godly counsel to me and to our Staff in the areas of Budget, ministry and decisions to be made. Our Church Council has been in existence since our church began. It is given the responsibility in our Constitution to review, approve and oversee our Annual Church Budget. I don't know what I would have done these 17 years without the incredible advice, prayers and counsel our men and women whom I have served with, have given. Being a part of this and prior Councils has been one of the biggest blessings of pastoring Oasis Church. The Council is elected annually and they serve for 3 years. Thanks, guys for your Godly advice and lives!!! You bless me every time we meet!! I love you all . Helen Chisholm is not in the picture but serves as our vice chairperson)