To our Extended Oasis Family, below you will find our weekly update email. I hope your having a great September and looking forward to Fall as we are in South Florida, albeit a little different than most places in the world. If your links dont work, you can go to our page or my blog post on other pages, and probably get to where you need to go. Sometimes the format I paste and clip the email from doesnt work for all computers. It also cuts a few words off for some. Sorry about that. Getting it to you is more important than a few little details;) This update might have more information and announcements about new ministries beginning than anytime in our 19 year history. So sit back, grab a drink and enjoy hearing about all that God is doing in South Florida. (soon to be around the world. you will find out more when you watch the video) God bless you and thanks for being part of the Extended Family.
BTW, one of the things that did not make the email is our first ever 5k Run/Walk, on Saturday , October 30th. If your interested in being a part of it, or giving toward the Mission to Haiti, click on here, and you will find out all you need to know. Have a great weekend.
Dear Extended Oasis Family; Nineteen years ago this Sunday, Oasis Church began. On September 15, 1991 my family and nine other adults began a journey that has been incredible. This new baby church started on the Pines campus in the little Trailer building there today which houses most of our offices. I will never forget the excitement and the "Fear" I felt that day when we stood in an unpaved rock parking lot, next to a trailer not finished and no electricity, next to a tent waiting to see if anyone would show up. They did and for 19 years God has added to the church not only here on the corner of Flamingo and 14 Street but also in Downtown Hollywood and North Miami. Soon He will take the Oasis Mission to "Be and Make Disciples" literally around the world through our new Internet Campus, located in South Florida. It officially launches live on Sunday morning, October 31. Much more to come. I will forever be indebted to the First Baptist Church of West Hollywood, their pastor Bud McCord and the First Baptist Church of Ojus and their late pastor Jim Washer for the support and belief in me and our vision to reach Pembroke Pines. Now that vision is in two counties, multiple locations, 14 services and soon to be around the world. God has been good. This year we will not celebrate much since we have so much we are launching even as I type this week. Next year on our 20th Anniversary, we will blow it out. (For those who are new, you can check out the blog post I did last year with all our history from day one). We are in the process of redesigning our web site. It will have a new and fresh look, be easier to navigate and we are amping up our Facebook page BIG TIME. Good news: You don’t have to be a member of Facebook to see our page…but why not join Facebook and be part of the community there? It’s free and you can be as involved as you want to be. You will see updates from us, insider information, videos, pictures and more! Plus you’ll get to connect with other Oasis attenders! Join today and Like our page! Our Internet Campus will be kicking off on Sunday, October 31! We also announced that John Adams, who has served faithfully at our Hollywood Campus and has served in countless other ways, will now be assuming the role of Internet Campus Pastor. You can read more about John here. Christmas at the Oasis 2010 will be bigger and better than ever! Christmas is back and we are ready to once again serve our community with our free Christmas light display and drive-thru. This year, though, we are adding some things. Our Creche (Nativity) Display, under the direction of Debby Brown, will be attempting to break the Guiness World Book of Records for the highest number of Creche Displays in one place! Currently the record is 1,802. We believe we can beat it, but we need YOUR help. We need all of our Oasis members and attenders to commit to donating your creche displays for just 2 weeks at the beginning of December. Together we can beat the record! 7 Nights of Worship (7NOW) is changing its name to Oasis After Hours! With the name change come other changes to some of the nights. We announced another new staff member, Garfield Lowe. Garfield has been attending and serving our church for many years at our Hollywood Campus and now he will be serving at Pines as part of our Pastoral team. He will be working in many different areas including Christmas at the Oasis, Oasis After Hours and more. Welcome Garfield! You can read more about Garfield here. tel 954.433.4838 | fax 954.433.2004 | [email protected] |