Dear Extended Oasis Family and Friends,
Many times the words "Miracle, Miraculous or Supernatural" are over used in the church. But there are some times when they are truly appropriate and absolutely true. This email will share a few of those instances. I want to share a report I received yesterday while meeting with one of our primary Haitian partners for an update on their ministry that we support and the seminary we underwrite for the training of Pastors in the St. Marc region of Haiti. There is far too much to share here but if you support Bike for Haiti in any way, your heart should be so full and you should get so excited. Just listening to him made me want to leave immediately and go see all the things God has done in this area of Haiti through our partner Pastor Jean Moise. PLEASE READ THE WHOLE EMAIL TODAY AND JUST LET THE FEW PICTURES TELL YOU JUST A SMALL PART OF THE STORY. THESE PICTURES ARE POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF YOU WHO GIVE TO BIKE FOR HAITI. This is a portion of the letter he sent after our meeting yesterday. "Oasis has been there for me since the beginning of my missionary journey to Haiti (following the earthquake) when everybody else had walked away for personal or financial reasons, you and your church family continue to provide for the ministry. My wife, my children and I will be forever grateful. We value your ministry and your support that we have received over the years. I finally realized that our first trip to Haiti was not a coincidence (7 years ago). The Lord knew that I was going to need your support and the support of Oasis Church for such times like this. The ministry in Haiti is at a different level. God has taken it, and multiplied it. We finally have a school to educate the children in Pierre - Payne and the surrounding area. The church is growing. The seminary has more students than I expected. Five more churches have been started in the past two years. Pastor Jean Moise Oasis Church, this is miraculous. Let me illustrate through some numbers and pictures. Guy Melton and Pastor Jean Moise First Kindergarten Class (Above) Bike for Haiti/Oasis Church underwrites the seminary for pastors. They have averaged 50 pastors a year in their training. This year they have 117 in their seminary. WOW. The new church planted during a revival that an Oasis missions group did 2 years ago in Pierre Payne. This church has grown to over 200 and they have baptized over 100 new believers. It is the fastest growing church in the region. The new Church has built a building this year and began a school with 47 Kindergarten children. Pastor Moise, his four children who are in college and recent graduates have funded the construction to begin the school. Dr. and Mrs. Moise give 50% of their income to the ministry and churches they've planted in Haiti. Now, over 50 churches have been planted by Mission Evangelique Baptiste Mosheh, Inc. (MEMB), the ministry Dr. Jean Moise started. The new church in Pierre Payne now plans on building a new facility to launch an Elementary and Middle School this fall in order to continue to educate and reach the community around it with the gospel. OASIS, WE ARE ABLE TO MAKE A SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENT IN THIS GROWING MINISTRY AND SCHOOL BECAUSE OF YOUR GIVING TO BIKE FOR HAITI. I INFORMED PASTOR MOISE YESTERDAY WE WILL UNDERWRITE THE FIRST PHASE OF THE NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING BECAUSE OF YOUR BIKE FOR HAITI GIVING. We will immediately send them $10,000 to begin construction this spring before the rainy season begins. Bike for Haiti, because of you, we will also begin supporting the new school by investing in underwriting the teacher’s salary and other expenses for the new elementary school which amounts to $1,000 a month. There is so much more happening there but I just cant go into it all here but you are making a difference beyond anything we could have ever imagined 7 years ago when Pastor Jean and I met for a one day trip to Haiti. God did a miraculous work in my heart in that 24 hour period which led to Bike for Haiti, the New York Ride, and this past year the California-Miami ride. Your giving is fueling miraculous things in Haiti that are supernatural in nature. For sure. Thank you Oasis Church. You are incredible. I know this has been long but I just had to share with you the incredible things happening because of you Oasis. I hope you will continue to give to Bike for Haiti. If you pledged, you know you can give by envelope on weekends with your tithes and offerings or you can go online. If you have not pledged but would like to be a part of something in Haiti making an eternal difference in thousands of lives, you can give by envelope or go online here. You will find the tab for tithes and you will also see Missions and Bike for Haiti. Of course it is important to give the Lord His tithes first. Without the tithe, all the other mission work would not be possible since Oasis Church is able to minister in so many ways by the tithes you give the Lord through Oasis. I am grateful to each of you who give so faithfully. God bless you and I look forward to seeing you again this weekend. We are going to have a great message in our new series, “Death to Religion.” I love you guys and thanks for the honor it is to serve as your Pastor. Guy Melton Senior and Founding Pastor Oasis Church of South Florida tel 954.433.4838 | fax 954.433.2004 | [email protected] To discontinue receiving these emails send an email to [email protected]. Please indicate whether you want to opt out of all church communication or just these emails.