Dear Guy, This is a "MUST READ" email today. Oasis Church has found many innovative and creative ways to do ministry and fulfill our mission, "To Be and To Make Disciples,” over the last 25 years. God has been so good to us. We have had much success in reaching people and have been recognized a number of times in publications and books for our unique ministry here in South Florida. We are BLESSED! We have been BLESSED! We will continue to pursue God's calling and His mission over the next 25 years as passionately as the first 25 years.This announcement ranks up there with one of the greatest opportunities we have ever had. Only because we have been faithful for so many years and because of your continued faithfulness and support of our Oasis Ministries and Missions are we able to announce this exciting opportunity. Drum Rolllllllllll........................................... Oasis Church has been asked to partner with the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) in offering a one year Biblical Ministry Certificate Program that is designed to provide church leaders and laymen with a biblical basis for ministry, as well as provide tools for properly interpreting Scripture. This is huge. In our never ending pursuit to fulfill the Mission of Jesus, this is another piece to our values of Mission, Community and Worship. As I have said many times, the Christian walk and being a disciple is more than an hour service once a week and even more than just a Community Group experience or a short-term mission trip. They are all part of the larger picture of being a disciple. Oasis and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, one of the premier seminaries in our country, are now making it possible for you to take your Christian life and knowledge of scripture to another level. This is not just an opportunity for those already in vocational ministry but also for those of you who are laymen and who want to go deeper in your knowledge of the Bible. This is IT! Yes, there is a cost since we will be paying professors and going through an accredited seminary. But the cost is 1/2 to a 1/3 of what you would pay to go out of town and even online to take a course. The cost is only $160 per semester course (Oasis is investing in you, this is not a fund raising tool for Oasis Church. We will receive NO income from the fees. All the cost goes toward the institute professors and the seminary administrating this partnership). There is too much detail to go into here but if you want to go deeper and sharpen your ministry skills as a lay person, this is it. For those who might want to pursue a full degree in ministry these credits can be transferred, but you don't have to take it as a step to a degree but rather a step further in your Christian life. Ok, enough from me. If you are interested or know someone that might be, go to our website and click on this link NOW. This is not just for Oasisers so if you know someone outside Oasis that wants to grow in their Bible knowledge and Christian walk you can send them the link. I can't wait to see you this weekend. I'll share more about all this in our services this weekend. It's such an honor to serve you as Pastor. I am forever humbled. God bless you and I'll see you this weekend.
Guy Melton Senior and Founding Pastor Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. As you know, we could never have ministry so broad and far reaching without you and others like you who give to the Lord through Oasis Church. Please go online now and give the Lord's tithes and offerings as I am doing today. I promise we will continue to be good stewards of your giving to the Lord.
PS I want to give a special shout out and thanks to Lily Garcia our Executive Director of Leadership Development and Community for making the partnership for the Oasis Bible Institute possible. I also want to thank our own Marsha Lowe (aka Dr. Lowe) for administrating it for our church. Love you guys. You are awesome. tel 954.433.4838 | fax 954.433.2004 | [email protected] |