I pray this finds you well!
My name is Yami McLaughlin, coming to you from the Oasis Business & Finance Ministry Team. Some of you might already be thinking this e-mail is about to take a turn towards numbers, however, this week I’m truly privileged to be sharing my heart with you regarding something so much more stirring, which happens to be one of our core values, Missions!
Sometimes when we hear the word “missions” we get paralyzed. We have this colossal picture inside our minds about all we must be and do to rightfully take on the task. Today, I’d like to share with you that it is not as frightening at it seems, it is actually pretty simple. To practice missions just means, to go out and share your faith by serving others.
One of my personal favorite passages in scripture is found in Matthew 28:18-20
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Many of us, I’m sure, have read these lines before. They are known as the Great Commission, but I can assure you they take on a whole new meaning when you actually live them out! About seven years ago, I was sitting at a service in my home church at the time, where a sweet friend got to share with us about a recent missions experience she had been on. She had finished the task for that trip but there was so much more work to be done. For a while, the Lord had been placing a burden for missions in my heart, and I just knew I had to take the step and jump in!
I’m not going to make-believe and say it is an easy road, but I will say this, it has been so worth it! To follow your heart on missions requires commitment, resources and courage! I have shared with many, even those right here on our staff, about my anxious heart just before serving. From the load of leaving family behind, to personal and team safety, to making ends meet, however I always feel an overwhelming peace that only comes from being right in the center of God’s will. You see, God often does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called!
This year, my friend and I celebrated seven years since we launched a small non-profit that supports local and international missions and it has been nothing but God-ordained! We have learned that the best way to share the gospel with people, both far and near, is to be a vessel of God’s love and comfort in their lives by serving them and showing them true compassion. We have witnessed hundreds improve their quality of life and many lives changed for eternity, and we strongly believe many more will still hear and receive because of the seeds that have been planted. The greatest reward is the smile of those we have served, but even more importantly it is knowing that in His timing our Father will show His mercy and grace to those who are willing to receive Him!
Here at Oasis, we believe in the value of missions wholeheartedly! We hold tight to the words of Jesus, and believe that all authority has been given to us to go and make disciples! We believe in being called to reach others and in doing so, we must first offer of ourselves and live by example about these very things. Jesus never changes and, therefore, the spirit of our ministry should never change. After all, Jesus said, “Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,” (Matthew 20:26). Last but not least, we believe, He is with us to the very end, and with this promise we are able to move to where the Lord calls us.
If you have been praying about participating in missions, I invite you to take the step TODAY! Remarkable things happen when we step in obedience to perform the work the Lord has set for us to do! We are all together in this journey even though our seasons of life will vary from one another. Some of you might be in a term where working globally is not suitable. I’m here to encourage you about the endless possibilities we have every day, right in our own backyard! To put it in perspective, I will share from our own family experience. My husband Keith and I are both working parents raising 3 children. I have, in the past two years, been blessed enough to serve alongside our two oldest. My husband, on the other hand, has reliably stayed behind watching over our toddler and caring for his needs while we have served away. He has not physically come on any of our trips, but serving us has become “his mission” for the time being. Have you ever wondered what that would be like, if we were as intentional at home as we are on a mission trip? Why not have the same mindset and commitment when we are at home?
If you are looking for a way to serve here at Oasis, we have many opportunities for you! Supporting the local church and its different ministries is one of them. This
link will walk you through some of the different ways you can help here at Oasis!
Don’t lose sight of the impact you can make when you serve at the capacity you are in! We, the local church, are the Hope of World! God is going to draw people to Him. And He is going to use us, the whole church, to do it!
God bless you all!
Yami McLaughlin
Business and Finance Ministry Team
Oasis Church of South Florida