Dear Extended Oasis Family and Friend,
Monday one of our dear Oasis family members passed away. Ms. Selma as many of us knew her, was one of the most inspirational Oasis members in our history. At 79 years old, no one loved Oasis and this dear church family more than Ms. Selma. Please read my tribute and why I am taking an unusual step of highlighting this incredible woman in our weekly email. WARNING: IT MIGHT BRING TEARS TO YOUR EYES. CLICK HERE.
"XO 2016” MARRIAGE CONFERENCE: Last weekend was a life changing experience with over 200 Oasis'ers joined thousands of others on Friday night and Saturday morning investing in their marriages and families. I congratulate all of you who made the investment. You didn't just tell your mate and your kids you value your marriage, you put feet to those words and took action. Thanks to Lily Garcia our Executive Director of Leadership Development and Community who organized and planned this incredible weekend. Also, thanks to all the lay leaders and staff who made this such a great weekend. God bless you all.
"Marriage Groups”: Our Community and Family ministries are offering - over the next several weeks - additional couples groups. There are 3 new ones for those at various stages of their marriages. You can still come this Wednesday and join us.
"Missions" is not just a value at Oasis Church it is a real life practice. We have just finished a concentrated 6 months of missions projects that hundreds of Oasis'ers participated in, but missions is not over. This month we are showing our "LOVE" for those whom Jesus spent most of His time with. You can participate this weekend in our Hope Food Drive! For the rest of February, we will be collecting pantry items for Hope South Florida. This is going to be a huge blessing to them as their pantry is running very low on food for homeless single mom’s. Bring a can or two or ten with you this weekend as we show love to those in our community in need.
By the way, I’m going to let you in on a little secret - only those reading this letter will know. Next weekend, I will be sharing the largest missions outreach project we have ever attempted at Oasis Church in celebration of our 25 years of doing missions. MAKE SURE YOU ARE HERE. Trust me, it’s bigger than anything you can imagine. By God’s grace it will be accomplished!
"Baggage Series continues this weekend with another powerful and biblical message on addictions. Every family is touched by addictions in some way. Many families have even lost loved ones from addictions. If you are like me, my family has a wiring that makes addictions much more likely. However, there are ways to deal with addictions whether you are struggling with it or your friends and family are. It’s not HOPELESS. Come this weekend!
"Discover Oasis" is next Saturday - Feb. 27th - at 7pm at our Pembroke Pines campus and Sunday - Feb. 28th - at 11:45am at our North Miami campus. If you are new to Oasis Church and want to know more about how to be apart of this amazing Oasis Family or you have been here for years and have never attended a Discover event you must do it this next Saturday night Feb 27th or Sunday morning Feb. 28th. You can register online now. Just click here or register this weekend at a service.
God bless you and I can't wait to see you this weekend. Why not bring someone? We work very hard to not only provide incredible worship for the believer but we are also sensitive to those guests you bring. They will probably be surprised that Church can be so uplifting and positive. See you this weekend!
Guy Melton
Senior Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. - As always, you can give to the Lord His tithes and your offerings 6 various ways. Either when you attend this weekend or anytime 24/7 online. You can even do it NOW. Just click here. Oasis solely relies on the Biblical Belief that all God has given us in our Mission is available from His people as they give. We would never be able to do all we have accomplished without your faithful giving. God bless you and thank you.