Dear Extended Oasis Family,
Before moving on to a new year, 2016, in two days - I wanted to celebrate a few things God did in and through Oasis Church this past year. I am not sure there has been a year with so many highlights. I can only share a few of them and ask you to thank God for the wonderful and record breaking year He gave to Oasis Church. I am so glad you were along for this incredible ride we called 2015. I am even more excited about having you for our "25th Anniversary" year of 2016.
January: We welcomed a new year and our first Church Council member who grew up in our Church, Christina Becena. It’s awesome to have our very own millennial serving on our leadership Council.
We launched our new year with the sermon series, “Gear Up: See it , Say it , Seize it". This was certainly the theme of our entire year as a church.
February: During a prayer walk on our property, I was reminded what it means to “bloom where you are planted" and snapped this picture of the Oak trees that were planted 24 years ago on our property in our first year and to see how they have grown just like our church family. We are now firmly planted and rooted in South Florida and now around the world.
Our ”Kingdom" series took a fun look at the Kingdom of God and our bright future.
March: "I LOVE THE Church:” Not my Church! His Church. This amazing series culminated with our weekend church wide "Discover Oasis" new member event with a record 250 New Members joining Oasis Church.
April: Easter weekend over 4,000 worshipped and a 100 were baptized during our sermon series, #DeathtoSelfie
Even in the midst of the record numbers (250) joining Oasis church, 100 baptized and 4,000 in attendance I reminded us of this truth:
"Every face has a name, Every name has a story, and EveryONE needs Jesus"
May: "Fight For Love" sermon series once again highlighted our commitment to marriage and family. A healthy marriage and family makes a healthy nation, culture and next generation.
We welcomed 15 summer interns in our first internship program that continued throughout the fall and into this new year.
June: Summer began with our student ministry breaking all attendance records with 200 in attendance and "Camp Cray” taking over 100 students to camp for the first time.
"90 Day Tithe Challenge" was offered and over 200 NEW Oasis'ers took God’s challenge to tithe for 90 days and test Him. This made for an exciting 90 days of stories of what God did in the lives of so many new tithers and faithful believers.
July-August: When many churches take the summer off from ministry, Oasis decided to step up our “missions" ministry. Along with weekly mission projects we took our second Detroit Missions trip to our partner of "Love Cities, Love Pastors" — Victory Fellowship.
September: Oasis Celebrated 24 years of ministry and began our year long celebration of our "25th Anniversary" coming September 18, 2016.
"50+" Community Groups and small discipleship groups were launched. That is by far the most small groups of people doing life together we have ever had. They continue this new year in January. If you are not part of one, check out all the groups online and listen for the new ones launching in January.
We welcomed our first "Church Planter Apprentice" and Pastor, Tommy Parke and his wife Kristin to our staff.
October: Fall Launch with more events and things than we can put in this short recap but two highlights were: 35 baptized on Fall Launch Sunday and Legacy Ministries, Tiaras and Oasis partnered to begin a new Missions Partnership in Guatemala.
November: "25 Days of Missions" and our #LoveSFL missions emphasis was launched with a record setting 1,500 Samaritan Purse boxes taken by our Oasis families to be filled and distributed to third world countries. Over 2,500 boxes were collected as our church hosted the regional Operation Christmas Child drop off center.
December: "25 Days of Mission" was launched with over 35+ Mission opportunities to serve and love our community.
Trees of Hope celebrated a 4th year of giving free Christmas “Trees of Hope " to hurting families in our community. A record 240 trees were given away this year.
"Love Cities, Love Pastors" continues to give to our partnerships in Detroit and through your faithful giving the last year and a half we have paid off almost half the mortgage on the Oasis Beach House and Future Pastoral Retreat. That is amazing considering your giving is over and above your regular tithes and offerings. If you are new and not yet giving to Love Cities, Love Pastors, you can sign up here and begin being a part of this incredible missions partnership.
Oasis Church this has been an incredible year and these are just drops in the bucket of all that God has done in our church this year.
But as great as this past year has been, I am believing and praying for the greatest year in our 25 year history. There are still hundreds of thousands in our community who need to hear the Good News of the Gospel and that is our mission. We MUST not slow down or let up but press forward to the mission God has called us to...“to Be and to Make Disciples".
See you next year......Happy New Year!
Guy Melton
Senior/Founding Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. This is one last reminder for those who want to Give a "Year End Gift" to Oasis Church:
“For your year-end financial gifts to Oasis Church to qualify for 2015 tax benefits – they must be given online or postmarked in the mail by midnight December 31, 2015.
As you prayerfully consider a year-end gift…here are 4 convenient giving options for you:
#1 – To give online to either the regular offering or the special offering simply visit: Here you can give via debit or credit card. It’s completely secure and very easy.
#2 – If you wish to mail a gift to our office our address is:
Oasis Church
12201 SW 14th Street
Pembroke Pines, FL 33025
#3 – You may also use your bank’s online website to send a check to Oasis (via the Bill Pay option). Just direct your bank to send your check to the address above – you don’t even need a stamp!
#4 – Also – if for tax purposes you wish to give through stocks/bonds/securities…it’s a safe, easy and beneficial way to make an end-of-the-year gift to Oasis.”