Dear Extended Oasis'ers,
Last week, I mentioned we would not have room for stories. This week, it seems like we can't do this email without some.
So be prepared to be blessed by what God is doing in and around Oasis Church.
BIG WIN: Congratulations Oasis Family, you exceeded our goal of 200 Trees of Hope. Not only were all 200 Trees of Hope Sponsor Cards taken last week and turned in, but we actually have 240 Sponsors. This means we will be able to bless even more families this Christmas with a LIVE North Carolina Fraser Fir with lights and even a stand to place it in. Having lived in a family that could not afford this type of tree for many years, I know what a blessing this will be. You are being a "Drop” of fresh love as you represent Christ to hurting families this Christmas.
You can give your sponsorship gift online or through your envelopes from now through Christmas Eve. Just make sure it’s marked ‘Trees of Hope’.
With the extra sponsorships, we were able to order more trees and therefore have more we can give away. Please send us a name and contact information of any single parent family, family out of work or just hurting financially and we will contact them about receiving a tree.
MISSION: #LOVESFL begins this weekend with all the information of the various ways you can share the love of Christ this Christmas during the month of December. Come with an open heart and hands for serving this weekend as we will all have an opportunities to sign up for a variety of mission projects. Don't miss it! What a great revolution of LOVE we will be a part of this Christmas.
Operation Christmas Child: Drop off your shoe-boxes between now through next Monday, November 23rd. Congratulations again, Oasis Church. You exceeded our expectations and goal of 1,000 shoe-boxes to children all around the world. You took 1,500 boxes and now it’s time to bring them all back. I am totally blessed by your outpouring of love to others already this Christmas and we haven’t even begun yet. God bless you!
Now for some stories - I just have to share a few with you.
I loved this one of our men wrote this past week:
"I trusted God back in 2012 when Pastor Guy challenged us to give above and beyond our tithe, I tithe 11% and have been mathematically blessed with financial increase and spiritually blessed with my community group." - D.E.
Here’s a new believers note:
"Thank you Jesus for making me a new creation in Christ." - J.R.
"Thanks Oasis for continuing to be an inspiration for me and my family." - M.W.
One of our newer members who is active in our Drop young adult ministry
wrote this last week:
"I wrote this 2 years ago from when I started to coming to Oasis! Thanks for making me feel welcomed and allowing me to call it my home! Happy Tuesday.
"November 10, 2013" For the First time since leaving my Christ Community Church of Philadelphia I feel excited every Sunday to go to Church! Good Bible based sermons, excellent choir, established ministries, Caribbean music, and all the Caribbean flags adorn the church. So good to feel at home in His house! Jesus you are the center of my joy!! - Raquel
Those are but a few stories from last week and there are many more. Please Oasis never take for granted the beautiful work God is doing in our Church Family. This is special!
Thanks for being a part of this 25th Anniversary year.
God bless you and I look forward to seeing you this weekend!
Guy Melton
Senior Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. Whether you are giving to Trees of Hope, Tithing, Bike for Haiti or other giving you can do it 24/7 right here online.