Dear Extended Oasis Friends and family,
It’s Hammer Time - You would only understand this if you were at the UNIGHT gathering last night. No, it has nothing to do with the singer in the 80's. It has everything to do with Oasis Church’s past, present and future.
I don't even want to begin to describe last night’s worship service. It was simply one of the most God inspired, led and attended services in the history of Oasis Church. I wish everyone of our Oasis family could have been there. I have to stop there but to say you might be hearing some "Hammer Time" talk soon and I might just mention some this weekend but this is no time to “pass batons" it’s time to “pick up a hammer" as we celebrate our 24th Anniversary this weekend, but really we launch our 25th Anniversary Year. It will be a year like no other in the past. It’s going to be sooo big; how big you ask? Sooo big that we are going to celebrate it this entire year leading up to our 25th Anniversary in September 2016. You better get ready and “pick up a hammer". It’s hammer time!
Afterlife begins this weekend. I am so excited! I have recorded the introduction of my message in order to show you some history of Oasis and I am burning inside to bring the message in ALL services this weekend. God totally changed my original message for this week on Afterlife and led me to go in a different direction and still introduce us to the Afterlife series. I’ll hold the original message for another week during this series.
Fall Launch this week! What does that mean? Ohhh sooo much, but Ill try to keep it short. Just know you better not miss it this weekend.
Fall Launch Means:
* Brand New Community Groups and the restart of our present Community Groups. There is a group, day of the week and topic for everyone. You will get a chance to kick the tires and find out more about all our Community groups.
*A Taste of Community: Something we have never done before but you will want to taste and see this weekend at both campuses.
* The First Time Guests you bring will receive the most popular gift we have ever had at Oasis. The "World Famous" Oasis T-Shirt. Our budget restrained us from continuing this last year but we are bringing them back this weekend for this SPECIAL LAUNCH WEEKEND. The ONLY ONES who will receive these are first time guests you bring. I hope you will make sure your friends come out for this very special weekend.
* A NEW BEGINNING of a new focus on spiritual things as Fall brings new homes, new schools, teachers and opportunities. Fall also allows us to refocus on our spiritual journey and the AFTERLIFE.
God bless you Oasis Family. I am more humbled and honored than ever that I have had the privilege to Pastor this church family for the last 24 years; since we began with just 9 adults, Tonia and I and our kids.
It’s been a beautiful journey and the BEST is Yet to Come. I love you.
Guy Melton
Founding Pastor
Oasis Church
P.S. I want to congratulate all of the 200 new families and individuals who just completed your 90 Day Tithe Challenge at the end of August. What a great blessing to hear all your stories. I hope many of you will go on and share your stories here where you can give God the glory and honor for the opportunity to give back to Him His tithe and your offerings. I am sure these last 3 months have now convinced you that you can't out give God and that this will now be a life long discipline of worship. If you want to give online right now or anytime, 24/7 you can do it right here. Also, did you know you can also go here to the same page and sign in and find out your giving for the entire year, just in case you ever need the information or just want to be amazed at how much God has given you to give back to him. God bless you and congratulations.