Dear Extended Oasis Family and Friends,
Our NEW series “Lessons from My Toybox" begins Saturday night at the Pembroke Pines Campus at 6:00 p.m. This is going to be a great message series and I hope you won’t miss it. We will be taking a look each week at the lessons we can learn from the book of Hebrews - one of the richest books in the Bible for believers.
Live Concert and Worship Night with Pastor Ricky and other guest artists last night was one of the greatest Worship moments in the history of Oasis. I have been here since the first day of Oasis and I know when something is Historic , this night was. I hope you did not miss it. It was a packed , jammed auditorium with the spirit of God filling the place and the people. My favorite picture is at the end of the Worship time Pastor Ricky gave everyone a chance to come forward for a time of commitment and a clear call for salvation to those who do not know Christ. The aisles were full and the altar full of those wanting to give away their lives to Christ and others. Thanks to our entire Worship and Creative Arts team for a night we will remember for a long time and a great way to enter our last month of the summer as we get ready for a Great Fall Launch in September.
Summer of Missions is winding down but I can't miss sharing two of the best Missions Projects of the Summer. They both took place last week with our ONE Student Ministry and our Drop Young Adults Ministry. I love our young adults and students and the passion and burden they have to serve God through serving others - as Jesus would put it - “…the least of these by the world’s standards, but not God’s.” All people matter to God.
Drop was able to be a part of such a rewarding community outreach! They partnered with Hope South Florida, HeartWay Church and Christ Church to serve, encourage and love on our brothers and sisters that are in current unfortunate living conditions. Drop served our community and exemplified what we mean when we say "Be The Drop!."
Laundry Love was such a huge success! We went to two separate laundromats in North Miami and were able to bless 32 families and wash over 129 loads of laundry.
A big thank you to everyone who donated quarters and came out to serve. We have so many great personal stories that can be found on our One Students Facebook page.
Summer of Missions might be winding down in August but Missions is not. Just this morning I had a discussion about some of the ways we will be making this Christmas a Christmas to remember. It’s going to be a "Christmas of Missions". That is all I will say right now but know that Christmas will not be the normal this year. It’s going to be more and over the top in serving and doing missions. I cannot wait. You are going to love being a part of this Christmas and serving others.
None of what we have seen God do this summer through Oasis Church in missions would have ever been possible without so many of you who give to the Lord through His tithes and your offerings. I have to share some INCREDIBLE news with you about the Summer giving. Traditionally, churches call this time of year the "Summer Slump" in giving to the Lord but also in attendance because of all the vacations…but not at Oasis Church. Not only has our attendance in our weekly services been over 2,000 several weeks recently but your giving to the Lord has been the best in our history. Because so many of you pledged to live obediently and test God on His promise that He would bless you as you trust Him through giving through the 90-Day Tithe Challenge - we have seen God’s offerings $6,000 more a week over the same Summer months as last year. That is amazing and all because so many of you are trusting and being obedient. I just had to thank you and share with you this incredible news. This allows Oasis to continue to reach out and serve our community here and around the world. I love you guys. I am so excited about our future as we prepare to move toward 2020 and our 20/20 Vision. God is good. Thank you for being part of His work here.
Guy Melton
Senior. Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida