The last couple days since realizing this is the month 4 years ago I did my Bike for Haiti Ride to NYC has been nostalgic as I have read over some of my blogs of the ride, looked at pictures and thought about the many lessons I learned. During the rest of the month I thought I would tie in some lessons from the road 4 years ago with some lessons as a pastor I have learned over the last 37 years.
As I reflect back on graduating from College and beginning my first full time ministry position at my home church First Baptist of West Hollywood in June of 1978 I wonder how has it been almost 4 decades? How is this possible? How can I still feel so passionate and still have so many dreams and plans for future ministry. I have to admit most people my age in most careers and even ministry are beginning to talk about retirement and set dates. Even tonight at the small group I attend our leader opened his phone and pointed to a number of how many days until he retires.
I think one of the secrets that should not be a secret for pastors to make it over the long haul, to survive the battles and to not burn out is to "celebrate".
Celebrate the Big Victories, but celebrate the daily victories, celebrate the weekly ones. We all like to celebrate the high attendance days, the holidays of Easter and Christmas and special occasions but how about the daily victories.
One of the things I believe helped me stay fresh and focused on the 1,500 mile ride mostly by myself , most days was to stop and celebrate. On our 4th day in the Ormand Beach area, I found an Ice Cream shop and bought a cone. Just to celebrate I had made it 275 miles and almost 4 days. I was already almost a day ahead of schedule. That was reason to celebrate.
Every night that we were close to civilization I would drive for miles to find a great local restaurant to eat where the natives would eat. In North Carolina I had more Calabash Fried Seafood than I have eaten my entire life. Now mind you this is a guy who had a Heart Stent put in a year earlier and "fried" is no longer in my vocabulary. But honestly I decided it was more important to relax and enjoy the few hours each night eating anything I wanted and could not eat normally. I mean come on, I was burning between 6,000-8,000 calories day. I could afford to.
I remember the day I hit the 750 mile mark, 1/2 way to New York City in a little beach town called Carolina, NC about 30 miles south of Wilmington. I immediately stopped and Jeremy Higdon my partner who was shadowing me in the Stag Wagon, (Support Vehicle) pulled out my favorite soft drink when Im in North Carolina, "Cheer Wine". We stood on the side of the beach rode and celebrated with Cheer Wine. I then went to a little shack and bought a hot dog I think with everything they had on it. LOL I celebrated.
Yes, the Big Celebration was planned for New York City and the return back to Oasis Church that June, but it was those daily celebrations that kept me fueled and fresh.
One day I stopped in a little town of Cateract , NC just south of the Outer Banks and just laid down in the middle of a large field of Wild Flowers. Just to drink in the experience.
Ok, you get the drift. Pastors dont celebrate enough. We stay too focused, stressed and busy to enjoy what God is doing around us everyday.
I want to challenge every young pastor out there that has an abundance of Vision and dreams to not stay so busy trying to achieve your goals to enjoy the "Journey along the way". To love those around you and to "PARTY". Jesus partied, Jesus Celebrated with his disciples. I mean remember He chose to do His first miracle at a Wedding celebration and believe me the Jewish people know how to party and celebrate weddings. I can only imagine why the Wine had run out.
Our staff has always celebrated the Big victories. We have not always done as well celebrating the little victories daily and weekly. I have learned in recent years to stop and celebrate every-time you get a chance. There is nothing I love more than having fun with our team. Partying with them. Two weeks ago they threw a birthday party big time for me but what I enjoyed the most was that they enjoyed making fun of me and seeing who could humiliate me the most. Its hard to humiliate me when I do it so well myself , not by design.
This Next week we say good bye to one of our long time staff and his wife who have served the last 10 years on on our team and attended our church even longer before coming on staff. We will have a BIG party this Tuesday. There are some really great things being planned. We are going to party. I love some of the ideas Ive heard. I cant share them since they are secret to the ones leaving but we are going to have a great time celebrating them and their next season as well as their last 10 years.
I am so blown away at our team and how much they love a party . Some days a party just breaks out in the offices and hallways and I have to go out just to see whats happening. Some churches would poo poo that. Some offices are just filled with staff hanging around with others laughing, singing, and playing loud music. I can hear it all the way across the building. But you know what? I could go out and say shut up, I'm in my office working or you are wasting time, but I love that they are taking time to unwind, party and enjoy each other.(BTW, it doesnt have to cost much to Celebrate. You can do it with a $1. McDonalds Ice Cream Cone or a $2. Dunkin Donut! Yeah, now we are talking.)
Celebrate with each other. One ministry team I came across last week out under our Picnic area was having their weekly lunch together. Just because they want to. I love this because they will be far more happy in their ministry and their long term journey if they stop to party, to rest and to have fun together.
Pastors , if you are not having fun. If your staff is so busy and running so hard they cant have a pool party, a picnic, go to a movie together or just go get ice cream then you need to re-evaluate why your doing ministry.
The reason I have not said alot about older pastors here is older pastors who have not learned this have either left the ministry, decided to retire out of burn out and frustration or they are in such a rut they wouldn't know how to party and have fun if it hit them in the face.
We have always for the most part been blessed by hard workers who are passionate. That is great and must be so, but that does not mean we do not need to take time to have Fun and to Celebrate.
If you can't think of anything to celebrate, Invent something and go Party.
"Ministry is a Journey, not a Sprint" If you plan to finish well. Celebrate often and Party hardy.
"I Work Hard, I play Hard" So should you.
Party on Pastor!
I love reading all you write and about your life journey too. I so recall praying for your Bike Ride for Haiti. I was honored to do so. This particular lesson you have shared, so resonates on my spirit. I pray for church planters and younger pastors often and their wives and families too. I don't mean to get carried away here, but my heart is full. I giggled about the older pastors, more on that later too. I totally agree, life is about celebrating each and every moment, the big and little ones. When you get to know us a bit better, Grumpy and Tink love to celebrate too. Keep doing what you are doing, keep writing too, the lessons you are sharing are heartfelt, heart touching ones! Praying Phil.1:6 for you always, that was my husband's ordination verse. I hope in no way, I am commenting too much, if so, feel free to let me know. I simply love encouraging others, especially those in ministry. Bless you!
Posted by: Anita Montgomery | May 14, 2015 at 09:39 AM
Thanks a lot for informative article!
Posted by: Audrey Lyn | May 14, 2015 at 11:03 AM
Thanks Anita. Please dont ever worry about offering too much encouragement. Ha! I think you guys understand others do not worry about offering criticisms. ;) God bless you. Guy
Posted by: Guy | May 14, 2015 at 02:11 PM