Dear Extended Oasis Family,
Amazing or whatever word you might say is all I can say about this past week. Last weekend, we continued our I Love The Church series and we asked our church to read out loud and sign the Church Covenant pledging themselves to NOT Oasis Church but "The Church". Not only did 100's of us sign it who have been Oasis'ers for many years, but over a 100 new Members joined the Oasis Church family in pledging themselves to The Church.
The Church Jesus died for and left here for us to live out His mission on earth. We have never had a day like this in our history! I sure hope we have many more. Welcome to Oasis those of you who chose to not just attend but to love, serve and support the Church in its local expression called Oasis. I love you guys and I am humbled to serve as your pastor. I really am. Those are not just words. I love you. By the way, another 21 new members signed the covenant at our North Miami Campus too. Go NOMI! I’ll see you guys this Sunday and I hope you will be there at the 10:30 a.m. service.
Amazing! - Three students were baptized this past Sunday as well. Even more amazing is that we have over 100 people signed up to be baptized on Easter Weekend. Can you imagine that? If we baptize 100 new believers that will be the most we have ever baptized on any Sunday or Easter in the past here at Oasis Church. That is half of what our entire goal as a church for our 20/20 Vision. We know that it’s not just about a goal but it’s about seeing people follow Jesus after they accept Him as Savior. You can’t be His disciple until you are baptized. All disciples were baptized after their conversion.
If you have never been baptized, you can go online now and sign up for Easter weekend baptism or sign up on your Connect Card at any service.
Easter is Coming to Oasis. Just two weeks away! Actually in 10 days our first of 10 Experiences will begin with our One Student Ministry on Thursday at 7pm. All 10 services will be identical in worship and we are asking you to do 3 things for Easter if you call Oasis your home:
1. Attend - Friday, Saturday or Sunday at 1:30 a new service added just for Easter. Please DO NOT attend the 10:30 or Noon service . Please, save those services for our guests and people who have to come because they are bringing a guest and the guest cannot come any other time. Please, Please, Please. We are even offering our Easter Communion experience this year again at the Good Friday and Saturday experience.
2. Invite, Invite, Invite - Bring your friends and family to come to Easter at the Oasis. Last night, at our incredible Unight worship service hundred’s of people prayed for and took invite cards to INVITE their friends and families to Easter. It was a very stirring moment as the altar was filled with invite cards. I encourage you to to pick up invite cards this weekend. Also, you can INVITE through Social media and our Communications team has put an invite on our website - where you can send in mere seconds to friend and families. Invite, Invite , Invite. There is POWER in the INVITE!
3.Serve, Serve, Serve. There are hundreds of Oasis’ers that serve our Church every weekend. However, on Easter with 10 experiences - which is double what we normally have - we need 100's more volunteers to serve. Please go to one of the experiences on Thursday, Friday or Saturday and then come and SERVE on EASTER Sunday. If you want to serve on Easter and have not signed up you can do it this weekend when you attend the service. Show your love for THE CHURCH by serving her!
That’s it. Like I said, it’s been amazing to see what God is doing in our Oasis Family. I can't wait to see what God does this Easter. Please be praying and inviting.
Guy Melton
Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. Each weekend, Oasis Church needs $37,000 in offerings to fund the needs of the mission God has given us here in South Florida and around the world. $9,000 in giving in order to fund Love Cities, Love Pastors in order to pay off the future Beach Campus and Pastoral Retreat Center. I am happy to say last week our offering was met in our regular giving with a $44,000 offering - including the LCLP. The LCLP is still lagging behind the need but praise God and thanks to all of you who gave back to the Lord His tithes and your offerings and allowed Oasis Church to be the conduit for your giving. You can always give on the weekend by envelope or you can give online any day, 24/7 here online. It’s quick and easy. God bless you Oasis!