Dear Extended Oasis Family;
Oasis Church might be the only church in the USA – if not the World – who now holds two "World Records." As you know, 4 years ago, we shattered the then World record of the most Nativities displayed, which was in Italy with 985. As a church, you loaned and displayed 2,150 Nativities for the thousands that come each year to visit our display at Christmas at the Oasis. That plaque now hangs in our Pembroke Pines Campus Lobby.
Last year, we captured the 2nd "Guinness World Record" with the most Lit, Live Christmas Trees displayed in one location, 546! This weekend we will be publicly unveiling the "World Record" Plaque that Guinness sent us. I can’t wait to show you, and in the days ahead, to see it displayed. (NOMI we will share the Plaque with you in a few weeks.)
While holding a World Record and being part of one is pretty exciting and fun, nothing even comes close to what the thousands of people mean that come through our Pines display every year to hear and see the Story of Christmas and to experience God’s love on our little corner of the World. You as a church make me proud to serve you as pastor.
THIS WEEKEND EACH OF US WILL ONCE AGAIN HAVE A CHANCE AT SPONSORING ONE OF THE 500 TREES OF HOPE THAT REPRESENT HUNDREDS OF FAMILIES WE WILL GIVE A LIVE, LIT TREE TO THIS CHRISTMAS. This has quickly become, in only our 3rd year, one of our most powerful outreaches in our 23 years as a church.
I hope you will plan to sponsor at least one Tree of Hope. Tonia and I will be sponsoring 10 and I’m asking some of you, who are able, to share 10 Trees of Hope this year with a hurting family. You can pledge this weekend but do not need to give the $50 a tree until Christmas week. You can do it at church in your giving envelope with your tithes and offerings or you can do it online on the giving page by selecting the dropdown that says, "Trees of Hope."
The trees arrive Monday and we are writing a huge check to cover this. I need your support in filling out a pledge card so I know this will be covered and does not negatively impact our regular ministry funds. You covered the entire 500 trees with $25,000 last year and I know we can do it again this year. If you want to go on and give and pledge right away, you can even do it now online here.
If you are sponsoring a Tree of Hope and want to give us a name, or names, of families who are hurting financially, out of work or down and out this holiday season, please write their names and contact info on your Connect Card this weekend.
"Be Like Jesus," continues this weekend. Our message series is one of the most challenging we have ever brought to Oasis just in time for us to live it out during the Christmas Season. I hope you will be here. I am looking forward to bringing this third message this weekend.
This past week has been such a blessing. I want to thank the 200 of you who came out to what might have been our largest Christmas Workday ever. It was amazing last Saturday. Thanks so much for being such an amazing church family not afraid to roll up your sleeves and get dirty and sweaty. Last night more than 200 of our volunteers came together for a special Volunteer Appreciation night. It was so awesome Worshiping with you, eating together and just being able to celebrate you and the ministry you provide to the Oasis Family. I love all of you who give of yourselves every weekend and week to make Oasis such a special place.
God bless you and I look forward to seeing you this weekend as we prepare for one of the holiest seasons of the year, Thanksgiving and then Christmas. #50ThousandReasons
Guy Melton
Senior Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. Do not forget to bring your "Build a Bag of Hope to Haiti" this weekend. Both campuses will have the Silver Gift Boxes again in the lobbies to collect them. Our goal is to send 1,500 bags to Haiti that our Christmas Missions trip will distribute (our own David Brown is leading the trip with 25 College Students and some of our own south Florida church family).