Dear Extended Oasis Family;
"It’s almost over" - Yes, we are about to come to the end of one of the quietest Hurricane Seasons on record! Florida sticks out into the Atlantic and Caribbean Ocean just asking to be hit but we have dodged another bullet this year. I thank God we are almost out of that season.
We are entering the most exciting season for me though! It’s Christmas! Yes, Christmas at the Oasis is now in full set up mode. You will see our Pines Campus with new things this weekend and then next weekend it really takes off.
Speaking of next weekend: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE SET ASIDE A FEW HOURS ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH, TO COME TO OUR PINES CAMPUS AND HELP US PUT UP LIGHTS AND WORK ON VARIOUS CHRISTMAS PROJECTS. If all of us do a little, it makes it so much easier. More than that, when you invest your time and sweat equity in Christmas at the Oasis, you know you are investing in the Kingdom of God and will be touching up to 50,000 people in our community during the month of December. You know when you see the crowds experiencing Christmas that you had something to do with it.
I hope you will be here and join our staff and myself for our ONE Big Saturday Christmas Workday. For those who have worked behind the scenes for months in order to make this day possible, thanks so much. Thanks to Pastor Pat Roberts who has assumed the leadership this year of our biggest outreach of the entire year. He is doing a great job building on the fantastic past our Pastor Brown has left. (No Pastor Brown has not left. He has moved over into our Haiti missions and other new projects this year. There is so much there to talk about, but we will probably wait until the new year to share it.)
"BE LIKE JESUS" begins this weekend. Please do not miss one of these messages. This is the perfect sermon series to bring as we gear up for our Christmas at the Oasis and share God’s love with thousands.
North Miami Campus ready or not, here I come! I am excited about being with you this weekend to open our new Sermon Series. And I am really excited to share some BIG news with you. Can't wait. (BTW, Pines Campus, I have taped a very exciting announcement for you this weekend too. You have got to be here to hear and see it.)
Men’s Discipleship Tailgate Party is this Sunday night on our Pines campus, 7pm. Tickets on sale at both Campuses this weekend.
"RED COUCH": This coming Wednesday, Tonia and I will be on the Red Couch. If you are not in a Community Group, I invite you to come to our Family and Marriage Series this Wednesday night and hear what Tonia and I have to share from our 39 years of marriage, parenting and the best of all, our Grandkids. It’s going to be fun. I will say this: Tonia does not like to speak publicly but when she does, I tremble! You never know what she might say. Pray for me! Yikes! I am praying she does not tell some of the dark hidden stories she knows about me. There are plenty after 39 years. ;)
See you this weekend. It’s going to be an exciting weekend to remember.
Guy Melton
Senior/Founding Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. Just a reminder: if you have not yet given the Lord’s Tithes and your offerings this week or would like to give online instead of the envelope this weekend, you can go online 24/7 in a safe, secure and fast way and give to the Lord’s Work. I am grateful to all of you who do this every weekend.