Dear Extended Oasis Family,
This weekend kicks off on Friday night at our Pines Campus with the biggest night of the year in Kids World: Tidal Wave... We have several hundred pre-registered and expect many walk-ins Friday night. Parents do not let your kids miss this. It could be life-changing for them and it will be a fun-filled, action-packed night. If your child says they don’t want to come, then they are the ones that need to be here even more. You don’t ask them if they want to go to school or if they want to go to bed. Why would you ask them if they want to come to a "Spiritually Life-Changing" Event. The reason I say this is I hear this about everything with Kids and Teens, as if the child is making the decisions. Don't entrust their eternal values to their youth today. Guide them. See you there. Here’s the 411 on both nights and campuses.
“drop" - this is as big for our young adults as Tidal Wave is for our Kids or Camp is for our teens. Oasis Church has been blessed by having 100s of 20 and 30 somethings in our ministry. They serve, they attend, they are the heart of Oasis. They deserve their own time to get together. While our campus space is very limited at Pines, we feel we have to make space. Soooooooo beginning this Saturday night we begin "drop.” If you are a 20 or 30 something, I hope you will come and check it out. Just try it out. I have heard some say “maybe I’m too young, too old, in my 30s, I have a child, they will all be single.” Well you won't know till you try it. The single common denominator is your ages and your desire to be the Disciple that God wants you to be. Maybe you have a friend that isn’t even a Christian, bring them, invite them, let them hang out. See what it’s like. Kick the wheels.
Here’s the scoop on our first night of “drop" this Saturday night:
We’re launching a night just for the 20 & 30 Somethings. It’s not a service, just a time to be together, meet new people, and grow. There’ll be food, live instrumental music, coffee and people! Come out this Saturday, 7:30pm, to the Cafe at our Pembroke Pines campus and bring some friends along. Follow @dropnight on Instagram to stay updated.
One last thing for the week! Our Haiti Mission trip is full with more than 25 people signed up, but our Detroit Mission trip is now open and ready to sign you up. Over 50 of you mentioned you wanted to go to Detroit with us when Pastor Daryl Gaddy our Detroit Partner was here last month. This is your chance. Join Tonia and I, Pastor Ricky and others going Labor Day weekend. It’s going to be a great trip. Be a part of changing a life, giving hope and being the "drop" that will see Detroit have a spiritual revolution. Be part of it. Check out the link here for more info. You can also check on the trip this weekend in our lobby at the Missions corner.
Guy Melton
Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. This is the time of the year that Oasis Church is ramping up big time for the fall and Christmas season. Our missions ministry is going full steam and yet, as people travel, they tend to forget that all the Lord is doing through Oasis is fueled by their giving back to God His tithes and their offerings. If you are traveling or have fallen behind in your giving this summer, you can go right now and give online like I do and about 1/3 of our church does every week. Click HERE and give it a try. Safe, Secure and Fast!