Dear Guy,
You would have to be living under a rock or not human to not know that this Sunday is Mother’s Day. Without a doubt, every word that has ever been said has been said about Moms on Mother’s Day. Every year, I grasp at just how do I ever in words say what my mom means to me? The sacrifice, love and support over all these years, since I was just a little boy, is beyond anything I could ever do or say. I know most of you feel the same. Unfortunately for many, you don’t still have a mom alive to be able to grapple with this dilemma of trying to figure out the words to say.
Maybe the best thing we can do is just LOVE her while she is alive and show it in our actions. That is even hard. How do you repay the woman who put her life on the line in birth and throughout life for us? I just don’t know how. But I want to say I love you mom and the post I did on Twitter today says it all:
My Mom is the BEST MOM EVER! Dont even try to compete! I WIN! @VisitOasis #oasismothersday
If, for some reason, you want to compete with my Tweet and think your mom may be in the same league as mine, then you can Tweet, Instagram or Facebook a picture of your mom and a line about her. We might even use it this weekend. Just hashtag it #oasismothersday. You can also tag it @visitoasis or go to our Oasis Facebook Page. If you do not have any of these ways to say your mom is the best, welllllllllllll, I guess you lose and I WIN!!!!!! Come on Oasis'ers sound off about our moms. They are beyond words. So let’s just post a picture and let it speak for itself.
This weekend is going to be a Great Mother’s Day at Oasis Church. I hope you will not only bring your mom and all the women of your family but Moms bring the rest of your families. We are going to celebrate Mom and Worship the Lord. It is going to be a great week.
Just one more thing...
Make sure you check out our Oasis Women’s Conference coming up...
You do NOT want to miss this, ladies. Men maybe the women in your life need you to pay and sign them up this weekend. What a great Mother’s Day gift.
Ok, see you this weekend. Mother’s Day, both Campuses.
Love you guys, Oasis Family.
Love you mom. Love you my boys’ Mom, Tonia. Love you my grandkids’ Moms, Jenni and Sabrina! You are all the most incredible women I have ever known!
Guy Melton
Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. Oasis is in the most exciting time of our 22-year history and never before are your Tithes and offerings more appreciated or needed. Thank you for entrusting us as the Conduit for your giving back to God. As soon as I got my paycheck in the bank this morning I went online at and gave the Lord’s Tithes, My Missions gift and my Love Cities, Love Pastors giving. The first things out of my pay. I hope you will join me in all these ways to loving God and loving people. Go online 24/7 here.