Dear Extended Oasis Family,
I am so full of excitement and gratitude today as I type this and as we begin another year I can hardly hold it in. I am ready to as they used to say, to "Blow a Gasket" but in a good way. God has literally "Poured out" His blessings on Oasis Church in the last month like never before and is opening doors for 2014-15 and beyond that just keep growing by the day literally.
If you missed last weekend when Ben and I shared the 2014-15 edition of our Oasis 20/20 Vision you have to go online now or tonight and watch it! It is a must or you might just be blown away one weekend when you come and find out___________? Yeah! You better get ready. God is about to blow our doors open and blow our minds with what He is doing in our church and among us. One phrase from the weekend for you, "Love Cities, Love Pastors" For more check out our Message here!
This weekend we begin our New Year Series "Raze". This is going to move us all off of where we ended 2013 and into an incredible 2014! We are all hoping to grow, prosper or achieve something greater in this NEW year. In this NEW year let us step into our tomorrow by allowing God to renew our Minds, Bodies and Souls. Do not miss this series. It sets the stage for all of us to have a Great 2014 and beyond. Our best year yet!
I don't need to tell you if you were here in December that our "Christmas at the Oasis" was by far the best yet! I am convinced of it. We are already seeing incredible fruit. I was not going to share this but last night I posted this picture on our Oasis Facebook page and put this "comment" on it!
"These worn paths may just look like Dead Grass to you but when I see them each day they represent the 1,000's of Kids and parents who walked these paths among hundreds of Live Lit Christmas Trees and will have memories for a lifetime because Oasis Church was a " Face of Hope" this past Christmas! I love you Oasis! (Guy Melton)"
These are two comments that came in today about it! These pretty much sum up what God is doing and continues to do through you and all of those who volunteered tirelessly and gave financially to see thousands of people touched with Gods love.
"It was your Christmas display in 2012 that grabbed my daughter's attention. By doing so, we started our walk with Christ the very next week. Not only a wonderful Christmas exhibit, but a life altering experience!!! With all I am, and all I have become, Thank you."
"Thanks to your Christmas lights, I was drawn to Oasis in 2006. As I drove by I stopped by during the daytime and there you were on a ladder putting up lights. I just thought that you were so down to earth as a Pastor and you weren't on the ground commanding. Lol! Your passion for God's work too. I began to help with untangling the lights right up in front of the church entrance door sitting on the concrete. I never left. I am so happy to be a part of Oasis and what God is doing there. May God bless you and the rest of the Pastoral body with long life and health and new visions as you continue his work without growing weary. Love y'all and I love the Oasis body."
"Discover Oasis" is next Saturday, January 18, 7 p.m. at both Pines and North Miami! If you are new to Oasis Church or you have never been to this night there is NOT a more important date to circle and plan on than next Saturday night! What is it about ? Glad you asked!
Join us on a journey to Discover who Oasis is - you will take a tour of our buildings, see our ministries and hear the heart of our Pastor, see what God is doing at Oasis and how you can connect! You can register online for this free event ( Dinner and childcare is provided. Please sign up NOW online or mark your Connection Card this weekend when you attend and just write DO or Discover! It is going to be incredible. I cannot wait to see you there! Our first one of the New Year!
I can't wait to see you this weekend. I love Oasis, I love you guys. It's such an honor to serve as your pastor!
Guy Melton
Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. Now for the exciting news! Thanks to you and your sacrificial and generous giving over Christmas and the last week of the year we had record offerings! We were able to cover Christmas by the skin of our teeth and brought our ministry Budget offerings up to where they should be for the end of the year. Only through you who gave an offering could that have ever happened. Thank you so much for being so faithful. If you have not yet given your first Tithe and offering yet for the new Year you can do it online here and it's fast, safe and secure. I do it every two weeks. BTW I have to share another milestone! We actually had more given the last week of the year online than on the Weekend for the first time in the history of Oasis Church! Incredible! Loving what God is doing! Thank you Oasis Church! As I said Sunday, "GOasis"!