Dear Extended Oasis Family and friends,
Conflicted! Torn between two seasons. Thanksgiving and Christmas! It’s the week before Thanksgiving which seems hard to believe and even harder to focus on when Christmas is everywhere. I’m always conflicted at this time of year. I want to resist the temptation to just move beyond Thanksgiving and get to Christmas. It's not for the same reason the stores put up their decorations and lights before Halloween but it's because at Oasis Church if we do not start EARLY there is no way to be ready when December gets here. So pardon us at Oasis if it appears we aren’t full of Thanksgiving and pause with me this coming week to thank God for all He has done for us. As a Nation, church, families and individuals we are so blessed. I never grow weary of Psalms 100, what I call the Thanksgiving Psalm. I plan to read it everyday until Thanksgiving to remind me to be Thankful and remember where my many blessings come from.
“Christmas at the Oasis!” Yes, I feel guilty moving straight from my last paragraph but it's here. This weekend we begin to share and challenge our church family to make the most of this Christmas and to lift up the ONE and ONLY ONE that we should have the Light focused on. HIM! Jesus.
There is another Christmas work day this Saturday and next. These are the last days to be a part of setting up this incredible outreach to our community. There is nothing like knowing when thousands come through our property and you see the smiles of the kids and families that YOU were a part of this and making it happen. I hope you will try to be out for one or both of the next 2 Saturday workdays. They take place from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
There will be a Christmas invite mailer going out the day before Thanksgiving to 100,000 homes in Southwest Broward and North Dade. Please pray for those receiving it that God will prompt them to attend one of the many events this Christmas at Oasis. Pray that God will heal many hearts and bring hope to hundreds this season at Oasis Church. (Our new Christmas website is up and has all the 411 on Christmas, times and events. Share it with your friends.)
Just a reminder to all those who have sponsored “Trees of Hope’ that all our donations are asked to be in by Thanksgiving weekend. You can mark your offering envelopes "Trees of Hope" on the other line, or go online NOW and give when you give your tithes and offerings. There is no other time your offerings to the Lord are needed than in this season when Oasis spends more monies on our community than any other time of the year. Christmas at the Oasis is only possible each year because of your gifts.
God bless you and I look forward to seeing you this weekend.
Guy Melton