Every night last week there were stories from our Homeless Families that our Women's Team welcomed into our church and loved on.
Many stories come from the
children who are in "Wonder" of our light display and many "Christmas Experiences " around the property.
This year there are numerous new things added to our display and several are very hands-on and interactive; like our KidsWorld Craft Tents, Train and Trees of Hope.The story below is just one of numerous stories that have been shared and this came to me this morning from one of our staff. It connects the Craft Tent and the Trees of Hope.
"......my best story that night was a Hispanic Mom, Dad and 3-year-old boy that came by and I invited them to come and make an ornament for their tree. The Dad was very serious, but accepted my invitation to go ahead and make one himself. As he was making his ornament, the snow machine turned on and his wife and little boy ran to it. He then proceeded to ask questions about the church, like what denomination it is and how long I have attended. He then asked me about the trees of hope and I told him the Story that Pastor Guy had told us about his vision of having a tree lot, where families that could not afford a tree could come here and be able to pick the tree of their choice. This man’s whole demeanor changed, he was very moved by that story. He then asked me if all of the trees had been given away already, and I asked him did he need a tree. He said, I’ve been unemployed for 3 months and my wife and son have been asking for a tree. I said give me a minute and I went to find Debby and asked her if we could give him a tree. She said yes, and that we could give him lights and we could even give him some Christmas presents for his son. When I came back and told him that we were going to give him the tree and the presents, he began to giggle nervously and thank me over and over again. While Pastor Brown got the tree together he continued to ask me more questions about the church and I invited him to come Saturday or Sunday. As he was leaving with his Christmas tree in tow, he assured me that he would be coming this Saturday night. He was blessed that night, but so was I.”
That is just one example of what has been happening every day this month. For those who actually donated for the Trees of Hope, that might have been the best $75.00 eternal investment they have ever made.
Last night another one of our Volunteers who served at the Skating Rink had a man insisted that she take a donation . Here is her story:
"A couple came up to me last night and wanted to know how to purchase a live tree. I told them they were not for sale but if they were in need of a tree they could have one. He said "No, I just want to pay for some for other people." I explained what Trees of Hope was all about and that the trees were purchased for $75 each to provide for needy families. This is our gift to the community. He thought that was so wonderful and wanted to know how he could contribute. He then gave a gift of $500. He was truly overwhelmed and appreciative of what Oasis was doing for the community.
They had visited the church about 5 years ago but then moved away. They have just relocated back here and requested information and to be added to church mailing list and I told them about our internet campus and web site. They are planning to visit Christmas Eve." (Cindy Roberts)
WOW! If we could just have 100 more of us do that we could cover Christmas at the Oasis this year. I know it really touched me. I decided to match his gift this year in my "Christmas Offering" that we are taking again to cover our display. That one story was worth it!!! Pray that our church will be that generous as they consider giving this year. We can't continue this each year without giving sacrificially; not only of our time but our resources. I don't know if the man is even a believer, but he sure did inspire me.
That is just two stories from today. I’ll continue to share more in the days and weeks ahead.
(adapted from our Prayer Partners Weekly email from Dec.19th.)