Dear Extended Oasis Family and Friends,
Thanksgiving week. What a great time each year! So much anticipation, whether it be family coming to your house, or you going to theirs. Maybe it's something you're doing with friends since your family isn't around. Maybe it's the anticipation of Black Friday. Yikes, I hope not but there are those crazies out there that are in line already. Please tell me it's not any of our our Oasis'ers!
My week has been spent fighting "Raccoon Wars". Seems like a raccoon has moved into my attic and wants free rent. I have repaired soffits, reinforced them and they continue to find ways in. I think we are on Round 9 and the raccoon is winning. UGH! The life of an Urban Dweller! Matter of fact, as soon as I finish this letter to you I'm headed back to Home Depot for the third time this week to pick up more metal reinforced soffitt. Something tells me it's still not going to work. And I have guests coming to stay at our house this weekend. Oh BOY! That should be fun!
Seriously though, we all have so much to be thankful for. I know we say it every year. I know also that many are going through very tough times and some are actually going through their first Thanksgiving and Christmas season without a loved one they miss so much. Please remember those in prayer. There is really no way to ease their pain but to have the presence of the Lord on them.
When our boys were small, they memorized Psalm 100 and would recite it at the Thanksgiving table. That was always a highlight for me and is still one of my fondest memories of Thanksgivings past. Regardless how tough this time is for some of us, let me encourage us to look beyond our pain and find the things that we should give God thanks for. There are many.
While we are thanking Him, can I ask you to pray this Thanksgiving for those having rockets showering down on them in Israel by Hamas Terrorist? Pray for their young children who are hearing constant air raid sirens. After visiting there four times, I know what a fragile tiny sliver of land Israel is in the middle of giant land masses with countries and people who hate them. They are God's chosen people and it is their land. God will bless those who pray for their peace and curse those who do not. Pray for the Peace of Israel.

I am getting so excited as our book, "Lessons from the Road", is set to come out either the first or second week of December! So far with our 331 pledges over 2 weekends, Oasis Church has pledged $86,000 so far! Thank you so much for continuing to give to the people of Haiti so we can make a difference in families' lives. You can still pledge online anytime and give.

We need anyone available to come out and help us finish setting up for Christmas at the Oasis! We will be working every day next week to prepare so just come out to the church anytime between 1 - 10 p.m.! We're also having another BIG work day this Saturday from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Come work off some of that Thanksgiving dinner! :)
Also, we need your nativity sets once again this year! Please dig yours out of the closet or attic and bring it by the church next week, November 27-29, between 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. We'd love to have your nativity set(s) as part of our Guinness award winning display again this year!
God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for you and Oasis Church. I love you Oasis!
Guy Melton
P.S. Congrats to KidsWorld for giving almost 400 boxes to Operation Christmas Child! They will be delivered to children all over the world, what a blessing to so many who normally wouldn't have presents to open.
P.S.S. Don't forget about our Trees of Hope. You can give $75 and give a tree to a family who can't afford to buy one this year. Check out our Christmas web site to get more details. Also, I have ordered extra trees to share with our Oasis family. There are only a few left so if you would like one, email me at [email protected]. They are $75 each.
P.S.S.S. If you are traveling this weekend and will not be able to be here, you can still worship God with His tithes and offerings here online. You can do it anytime 24/7.