Dear Extended Oasis Family,
Pain! I've heard it said, "No Pain, No Gain". I hate the person who said that! But it's true in getting into physical shape no doubt. If you have ever tried to get in shape or stay in shape, lose weight and maintain it then you know there is a lot of pain involved. I must admit when there is a sure end in sight and you can see direct results, it's easier to take the pain. But when it's in everyday life, it is not so easy. (If you missed my message on Biblical Message last weekend you need to watch it here. I dove headfirst into the Gay Marriage issue and answered the questions people are asking. Check it out here, share it with a friend or family that need to hear.)
Most of us are either coming through a painful family experience, heading into one or headed out of one. It's part of the rhythm of life. It's just a matter of life since sin entered the world in the Garden. You heard my story of the painful past, living with an alcoholic father. (If you missed that video of my story you can watch it NOW right here.) But this week as we continue in our series about the "Modern Family", we will look at another family's pain. One of our own families. This weekend you will hear from our Technical Director, Joel Collins' father and brother, Chip and Nathan Collins. As a family they have dealt with the subject of homosexuality and they will be sharing their stories of life change. So you can get to them better, here's some info about them:
In over 30 years of ministry, C.F. (Chip) Collins has ministered in churches and college campuses in America as well as on the mission fields of South America and the Caribbean. He has served as pastor, youth pastor, worship leader, missionary, professor, and administrator. He is currently serving as Senior Pastor of Grace Heritage Church in Leitchfield, KY, as well as assisting Grace and Truth Resources, a ministry founded by his oldest son, Nathan, to equip churches for post-homosexual ministry. Married for 35 years to his wonderful wife, Suzie, they have three grown sons (Nathan, Joel, and David) — all of whom are married and serving with their wives in local church ministries. He is also blessed with six amazing grandchildren, with another on the way! Nathan grew up as the son of missionaries in the little country of Suriname, So. America. He received his bachelor's degree from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL, his Masters in Divinity from Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY, and is about halfway through the New Testament PhD program at Southern. He met his wife, Sara, during their first year at Moody, and they were married just over eight years ago. God has blessed them with two wonderful, and very active, little boys. During the past six years, Nate has openly shared in various church settings the story of his battle against same-sex attraction. About a year ago, Nate and his wife began to sense the Lord leading them to explore the possibility of being more involved in a ministry that focused specifically on the issue of homosexuality. Today, Nate is the executive director of Grace and Truth Resources, which is a ministry whose sole purpose is to provide churches with resources that will help them be a compelling witness for Christ to people impacted by same-sex attraction.
"Discover Oasis" this Sunday after the noon service. If you have not attended this FREE Luncheon you need to this Sunday. You can register here. It's free. Food and class for the kids is also provided. Discover Oasis will give you ALL the 411 about who we are as a church, our vision, our past and our exciting future and how you can be a part of it. You do not have to join our church as a member to attend but you can't join our church until you attend one of these luncheons. I hope to see you there this Sunday at 1:15 in the auditorium following our noon service.
"Oasis Re-Boot" was a tremendous success last weekend. Kudos go out to Jenn Collins and her team for a tremendous job of re-branding and "refreshing" our Oasis look. If you missed the intro video where we explain the change and tell you a little about the things changing,check it out here, it's only about 2 minutes. Here's another video of Ben explaining our new bulletins that you'll see this weekend.
Free T-Shirts with the brand new Oasis Logo and colors are available beginning this weekend at all services. The only way you can get one is to bring a first-time guest. Your guest will receive one and you will too. One t-shirt per guest. All they have to do is fill out our connection card and go to the Information Center in the lobby and turn it in to get the t-shirt. You will go with them. Let's bring some of our family and friends and the bonus is you get a great T-Shirt. Not a cheap one either. These are top of the line. Tonia got me one just like them after the Heat Championship and it cost over $20. Get your FREE T-shirt this weekend while supplies last. Limited quantities and sizes.
Along with the Free Oasis T-Shirts our guest will now receive a Guest Packet that not only tells them about Oasis but there is a free Worship CD in the packet our Oasis Worship Team has put together. This packet POPS! First Class. SORRY Oasiser's you can't have one. You have to be a first-time guest.
This is a CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYY Time at Oasis! So much happening. it is killing me I'm so excited. I have so much I want to share but it's just too much right now. Christmas, our next series with a free book for the first 1,000 families in October and my new book sometime this fall on the Bike for Haiti ride. You will be able to give a gift to Haiti and get the book free. Then there is more Christmas that is all new. You will love it this year. This past week our Church Council voted to launch a new campus on Easter Sunday next year. I mean it's crazzzzzzyyyyy right now. You can't miss a week of what God is doing. See you this weekend.
Love you guys, see you Saturday night at 6 p.m.
Guy Melton
P.S. The only way Oasis church can continue to do the Crazy great things we do is that each of us follow our Lord's direction and to give to His work. You can very clearly see your giving at work daily at Oasis. God has blessed us with a great field to do His Mission. If you have not yet Worshiped by Giving to God His tithes and your offerings this week, do it now, online, fast and easy. Right here! I gave online today. Will you? |