Dear Extended Oasis Family; Easter! Another one has come and gone and how quickly each year seems to go these days. Each Easter is very special, but this year Easter at Oasis Church seemed to take on a much deeper and profound meaning. It will be one of the Easters in the years to come that stands out to me. Let me share some of my thoughts on Easter. I think you will be pretty excited too!
This year our church made 2,500 phone calls to those on our attendance roll. We sent hundreds of post cards and gave out hundreds of Easter Invites. I am assuming hundreds of us Prayed over this past week. (Check out this excerpt from a note I received this week from Luann Willix and this is just one of the same type of notes and thoughts like this shared with me this week. "I just wanted to let you know that I think the Easter phone blitz was a huge success. As I was running around Saturday, I had several people tell me they were there because of the phone call. Then again Sunday almost everyone that came to the welcome center said they were there because of the phone call. I also wanted to tell you what a great idea the beach baptism was. It was a great end to a wonderful weekend I was so excited because one of our community service workers accepted Christ and was baptized. God is Good! ") Now for those of you who made phone calls, now you know it was worth it. Did you catch her mentioning one of our community service workers becoming a Christian and being baptized? This is a ministry my son started many years ago and it’s amazing how God has used it. For those of you who tithe and give at Oasis, now you see first hand where God is using your gifts.
There is no doubt all of these things, and many more, contributed to such a great Easter. Not only did we have 1,000 of our people attend the 3 nights prior to Easter in order to make room for those visiting on Easter Morning, but all 3 Easter Morning services were full. Not just full, but the last two saw not only our Community Café and Auditorium full…but the Lobby filled with chairs and people who did not find a seat inside. (Thanks for moving to another service last week for those who did. You allowed us to seat everyone Sunday.)
I could go on and on about this past Easter but I must say the thing that really put the cherry on top of the day was our Beach Baptism and Concert. We baptized more on Easter Sunday this year than we did the entire year last year. We have a lot to thank God about. BTW, many of you did not attend Sunday morning for Easter but we had more than 20 people come to Christ in our last two services. To see them coming down the aisle, many in tears, was a sight that I can’t get out of my mind.
I want to thank all of you who prayed and continue to pray for Oasis Church. I also want to thank God for all of those who served in so many ways and continue to GIVE. It was just an amazing weekend. This weekend begins a new Series, "Man Up”. This men’s series is the first one we have done in years but it will be memorable. We aren't going to be bashing you guys. Don’t worry. But we are going to challenge us all to be the Warriors, the Leaders that God has created us to be. Women don’t worry there is going to be plenty in this series you will enjoy and be able to use. You will better be able to love your man when you see how God has created him to be unique and fulfill the role he is made for. Don’t miss this week. There is just TOO MUCH going on to be able to share it all here, but let me just list these items and you can check them out in the bulletin this weekend or go online and read more. *Smiles for Haiti: Sunday morning, April 22 from 9 am – 1:30 pm in the lobby we will be taking family portraits to help raise money for our SURGE mission trip to Haiti. They are asking a suggested donation of $10 for the portraits. BTW, Tonia and I will be going on this trip with our teens and medical team. If you want to join us, then mark your connection card "Haiti Mission Trip". We will contact you. *“Helping Handbags” Mission for Haiti: The Oasis Women’s Ministry is hosting a “Handbag” sale on Friday, April 27 (7pm-10pm at the Movie Night) and Saturday, April 28 (9am - Noon). These are gently used designer handbags at affordable prices. All proceeds go toward our missionary efforts in Haiti. * Women’s Ministry presents: “Movie Night with Girlfriends” April 27, Friday 7 pm – 10 pm Tickets are $5 and can be purchased either on-line or at the Information Center at all services. Childcare is available upon registration. *Porn and Pancakes Saturday, April 28th, 9 – 11 am, Cost $10. Tickets are available on-line or at the Information Center. This will be a morning filled with straight talk about porn and the issues surrounding porn. *Chick-fil-a Leadercast is a day of inspiration, learning, connection and more. Oasis Church will be hosting this one-day leadership event. Friday, May 4th, 8am-4:30pm, the cost is $75 and you can register on-line Can’t wait to see you guys this weekend, I love Oasis Church and "U" are Oasis! I love you. Guy Melton Senior/Founding Pastor P.S. Thanks to all of you who tithe and give the Lord your offerings each week. Last week was one of the largest offerings in the past year. We continue to meet our new lean , mean ministry budget. If you haven’t given yet this week you can do it now ONLINE!
P.S.S. For those of you who missed Easter Sunday Service, you can go on-line and catch the last sermon series of“Worst Week”.