Dear Extended Oasis Family, Watching the "Melt Down" of the Jet Blue pilot was disturbing and yet sad in many ways. I could do a whole email on this but I won't. I just want to ask you, have you ever had a "Jet Blue Moment"? Ok, so you have never brought down an airplane like the pilot did, you've never got caught in a proported lewd act on a busy street corner like the KONY 2012 Producer did two weeks ago. But many of us at some point have felt stress like it was more than we could handle, maybe felt depressed, burned out and totally drained and overwhelmed with life. (If you haven't watched the incredible KONY 2012 Video you should take some time and do it. It's about 30 minutes). WELCOME TO REALITY!!! AND IT'S NOT GETTING ANY BETTER WITH GAS PRICES NOW OVER $4 A GALLON HEADED TO $5, MAYBE $6, AND EVEN HIGHER. FORECLOSURES STILL EMPIDEMIC IN SOUTH FLORIDA AND DAILY JOBS BEING LOST OR THREATENED OR CUT BACKS ON PAY. The list goes on and on!!!! I'm not trying to depress you here, no I am saying, it's not new and there are actually ways to cope with this and even thrive. If you are relying on our Politicians, good luck. You have no hope! In our series "Worst Week" we are looking at how to cope and even overcome in the midst of, during and through your "worst week". If you missed the last two weeks where we looked at Paul and David, you really need to pick up a DVD at our Kona Cafe this weekend, or go online and watch the messages. We all need this and it's a great Biblically Based study with lessons for you and I. This weekend, I will be sharing the 5 Truths we learn through Elijah's nervous breakdown, burn out, flame out, or whatever it was. This is one of the most powerful stories in all the Bible and We can learn from Elijah how to handle our worst week. If you want to read the entire passage we will be looking at this weekend, I encourage you to pull up a chair and take 10 minutes to read 1 Kings 18-19. Now EASTER is almost here! Instead of listing ALL the incredible things we are doing and you need to know about I'll just share this short VIDEO I did that will give you all the 411 on EASTER. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE watch it right now! And then ACT! God bless you and I cannot wait to see you this weekend and to share the 5 Truths we can learn from"Elijah's Worst Week" - his Jet Blue Moment! Guy P.S. If you haven't worshiped in your giving back to God this week you can do it right now, ONLINE! Don't forget we have a Giving Kiosk now available in our Community Cafe next to Kona where you can give Safe, Secure and Fast on Weekends.