I hope your having a great week. Lots to share with our extended Oasis Family this week. I hope you will check out my email below. Thanks for being either a friend of Oasis Church or for being a part of Oasis as an extended member. What does that mean? You might be part of our International Internet Campus, you could be someone who moved away but still considers Oasis to be your home while still making your local church where you live your present Church home. You might even be a family member or friend who have adopted us like so many I know. In any case I am glad to have you as part of our Oasis Church family. I know many who pray for us, encourgage us, send guest our way and even give toward the ministry here in South Florida. Im grateful to you . God bless you and enjoy all God has been doing here, below.
Dear Guy, My question all week has been "Where are YOUUUUUUUU???????" I know many of you are out of town this week with your family for Spring Break. I'm so glad you could get away. You deserve it and your family needs it. I am a little jealous since I'm working all week, but I'll have my chance coming up. ;) Have a safe, happy time. This weekend will be another adventure in "The Story". This week we will be having a Panel and it will not be anything normal! But it will be good I promise you this. Make sure you read the short passage in the Story this week before Sunday. It's only four Chapters, Ruth 1-4. In The Story it is Chapter 9, page 99. This is one of my favorite passages. Don't miss it. Don't forget on our Web site, visitioasis.org there are notes and discussion questions you can do each week to correspond to the message on Sundays. This is a great way to go deeper. Last Sunday I was blown away with your response to our Bike Ride. Over 100 families pledged to be part of our Bike for Haiti, and the $55,000 goal of delivering food, medicine and education to the children and families of Haiti. (This will be done directly through our partners there. No middle man or government to get in the way and waste it). I can't wait to share what the initial pledges are this Sunday. If you missed this past Sunday or did not turn in your Pledge card, please make sure you go online now, click here and fill it out or make sure you fill one out this weekend. I don't want a single person or family to miss out on being part of the incredible blessing we are going to be to hundreds of Haitians. You can be a part of something huge, even if you can only give a little. Don't miss the blessing of what Jesus calls the most important ministry you can have - to the poor and orphaned. (You can go now and fill out the pledge card and send it back to me at [email protected]. I would love to hear from you). To find out more about our Bike for Haiti mission, you can go to www.bikeforhaiti.com and even share it with your friends. You can give either on this site or our regular giving page at visitoasis.org now through December 31st. But please pledge something. It will be a great eternal investment. Don't forget Kona Cafe is always open before and after each weekend service. Our teens run it and any extra tips and proceeds go to helping them go to camp and on missions trips. So when you purchase a drink or snack, give them a good tip! It's more than a tip, it's an investment in a teenager's life. You will always be able to visit our Oasis Small Groups Resource Center when visiting Kona also. It is manned each service by our Community groups. Drop by and ask questions and find out how you can join one today. Every believer MUST be in Community. If you're not in one WHY aren't YOU?
Ok, enough for this week. If you're in town this weekend, I can't wait to see you . I have a BIG announcement to make about our initial Pledge totals for Haiti!!! |