I have done a number of Prayer blogs and letters on prayer. This year I spent several of them talking about what Pastors and Theologians through the centuries have called "Ejaculatory" Prayers. Those are Powerful, but short Prayers that pack a Big punch. I am a big believer in all kinds of praying, including the short, powerful "Ejaculatory Prayer". But this week in studying for a message coming up in 3 weeks, I found in the 10th Chapter of "The Story" we see the opposite of Ejaculatory Praying. In 1st Samuel - Chapters 1-2 we see Hannah, the mother of Samuel, doing some heavy duty praying that no doubt covered many days, months and maybe even years.
I want to challenge us all to make sure we spend the time to really immerse ourselves in God's presence and wisdom in the times of BIG Needs. God answered Hannah's prayers and I think much of it had to do with her persistence and faithfulness to Him. And then to see how she also reacted after God gave her Samuel is a good picture probably of why God used Samuel so much in his lifetime.
So let me encourage you today, to not give up when prayers seem like they go unheard. Don't blame God, and don't get discouraged. God is in control...He hears and He answers. All kinds of prayers. If they are sincere and with the right motivation, according to His will.
(Excerpt from my Weekly Prayer Letter to our Prayer Partner Team)