Having just landed in NYC from Israel a few hours ago, one of the things most on my mind actually fits perfectly with our Prayer letter today. As we toured from one end of Israel to the other we saw dozens of sights and experienced history beyond words and enough to fill a book. Oh, there is already a Book filled with it! Ha! The Bible! But honestly, while there is so much I could say, the one thought I have for you this week is that God does miraculous things around the times of Prayer.
We began our trip at Mt. Carmel last week after landing. The place where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal in I Kings 18. This is the place that when Elijah prayed, God sent fire from heaven. You'll have too read the story to get the power of this place. But it was after he prayed. And he was a man like us the Bible says, and we know it because after this incredible miracle, he later in Chapter 19 flees for his life and hides.
We ended our trip yesterday in the Garden tomb area, and right next to what is believed to be Golgotha. There we know the Power of God was once again evident. What a powerful place to pray. It was moving beyond what any of us could have ever expected...sitting next to the empty tomb, reading the resurrection story and taking communion together. (Mark 16)
Earlier we had visited, not far from that spot, the upper room where He prayed with his disciples - (Mark 14:12-26). Then we visited the Garden of Gethsemane where He prayed, before the Roman soldiers captured Him to crucify Him...all this within probably a mile of each other - (Mark 14:32-51). Just steps from there, was Mount Moriah where Abraham prayed to God before sacrificing Isaac, which, by the way, didn't happen but a miracle did take place - (Genesis 22). We saw just miles away, where Jesus was tempted in the wilderness and tempted by the devil. All these stories of miracles and supernatural happenings were surrounded with Prayer. Again, the disciples prayed together not long after the death of Jesus, when He appeared; and then again when He sent the Holy Spirit on them.
There are just too many things to even mention about how God used prayer to do Miracles -- prayer from common people like you and me. My prayer is that each of us won't worship the story or the place, but will commit to being people of prayer. Let God write a new story about when we Pray, He does great things. He still works today.
I hope the Prayers of others, and How God blessed and answered them will challenge each of us to continue to pray even when it seems like He is not listening. I assure you He is, and He will answer. Just not always in our time the way we expect. But I hope we can say like He taught us to pray: "Not my will but Thy will be done".