After returning from one of the most moving experiences in my lifetime, the one thing that is always a chore and hard to do is get pictures up. In our world today with Twitter and Facebook the need to get pictures printed and shown is almost obsolete. I am glad we were able to post pictures almost immediately as they were taken. You could actually experience Israel and all that we experienced as we actually did. That made the experience even better for me, because I could share it with my friends and family who were not with us.
Below Ill share a few pictures. Once our Son Corey begins to post his pictures Ill share more. As a professional photographer, Coreys make mine pretty sad so I wont post many now. Cant wait to share his . He can literally make a picture live and make you feel like your there. Im so happy not only as our son he could travel with our group but also as our photographer. Im so proud of him as he uses his many gifts God has given him.
26 went on the trip. I couldnt help but think of the 4 (2 couples) who could not go and had to cancel at the last moment due to health and other issues. But I know they will go with us next time. I prayed for them while we were there knowing it was hard on them not being able to be with us. The group was incredible. They were just awesome to travel with . They also cried alot. I think some of them actually cried more than I did. And several were men. Real men. Ok, enough of the trip talk. Let me share some pics from our last 10 days.
Bet Shean Ruins. Path above 6,000 yrs of Civilizations. 15-20 of them stacked one on the other.
The Ruins of Bet Shean. One of the largest excevations in the World. Where Saul and his sons were hung on the City Walls after their death in battle and David had them removed. I Samuel 31
Our time in the Garden of Gethsemane was beyond words. Praying where Jesus prayed with His disciples right before He was betrayed and taken into custody. After a very emotional prayer time/service, we ran into the Chilean Miners. We had lots of pics taken , but the best are yet to come.
Dead Sea. Lowest location on Earth. Mountains of Moab in the distance.
The youngest ones on the trip with our Guide Jacob. These guys brought lots of energy and laughs to our group. Thanks
Our group worshipping with Oasis on Skype . It was phenomenal. Live from Jerusalem.
Our bus and bus driver Moises. (Moses)
Our Newest Member of our Christmas at the Oasis Nativity display. We traded one of our women for him.
If you ever want someone to shop and bargain for you, then take Doris along. She was amazing.
Micheline getting her first Camel Ride.
The Western Wall or what many call the Wailing wall. This is a sacred place and the only remaining walls from Solomons Temple destroyed in 70A.D. The Jews are waiting to build the new one here someday.
The View of Jerusalem coming from the west bank and the Jordan Valley. This is the view of the Eastern Wall that is shut and wont be opened until the Messiah comes back. This is where the Mt.Olives is just below and also the Garden of Gethsemane. Emotional time standing here.
Israeli soilders. These kids are some of the best trained soilders in the entire world. Amazing young people. All Israelis serve when they turn 18 and before they go to College. Girls too! We felt totally safe while there.
Jessie, one of 7 we baptized from our Group in the Jordan River.
Ampitheater in Bet Shean.