(Some thoughts I shared with our Prayer Partner Team today)
This week has been a beautiful picture of Prayer and Presence. Sometimes we talk exclusively about Prayer and its power, but when you put Prayer and Presence together, it's even more powerful. A praying believer who also lends presence to those they pray for is Supernatural in their potential. Let me share why I'm saying this.
This past week one of our long-time faithful Oasis members, Celia Gaynor passed away. She had fought Cancer for going on 3 years. There had been much prayer for her by many. But what stuck out to me after her home-going was what had been happening during her journey...and then her home-going.
Celia was in one of the most incredible Community Groups I have ever seen. They have been meeting for 10 years and the last 3 they prayed for and walked through every event with Celia...the good and the bad. But after her death, it was seen by more than just we few who have observed from behind the scene.
For instance at the viewing the other night, they -- her group, were scattered all over the funeral home. Most just sitting. Sometimes shedding a tear with family and friends. Comforting each other. The group of Steve Gaynor, Celia's son was also there. Several were just sitting all the way in the back by themselves...just "Present". George and others from Steve's group were also taking off work to be PRESENT. The presence, many times, of a believer during another's trial is all that is needed when Prayer has already been answered or offered. Both groups were beautiful examples of the Power of Prayer and Presence. Many times people withdraw from those hurting since they don't know what to say. That is the worst thing to do. To just say, "I'm praying for you", without offering your presence I think, is many times a cop out and the excuse to not have to give of your time and offer yourself to be moved by the pain and having to go through it. That is what the community of Faith is about. Our Community Groups showed that. Our Lay Pastors were not only visiting our dear Celia during her illness, but many showed up just to "show Presence" at the viewing, and even took off work yesterday to attend the funeral. Presence. Sometimes you don't need to say anything...just be present.
For all of us I hope these people I have mentioned have taught us not only to Pray but to be Present with those we are praying for. Presence does not have to mean giving answers. Some, like myself, will come into a viewing and meet everyone, talk, talk, talk. But in the end, that isn't any more important, and might be less important, than just being present. I learned a long time ago as a young pastor, I am not always going to have the right words or even the answers for times like this. But I can show up. I can be Present. I can cry with them, I can pray with them. I can give a hug and carry some of their pain by showing empathy. Usually when I don't want to do this, I am only trying to protect my own feelings, my own schedule...it's not really that I don't know what to say.
So, this week thanks to those like Polly and her group, Jorge and his group, Richard and the Lay Pastors, and James and our staff for not only Praying, but showing up...Being Present. Your "Presence" was Godly and the Gaynor Family will never forget it. Might I say, not every funeral is that way. Mostly because the person hasn't been in a Community Group. They haven't been serving others through their church. In Celia's case she served others and with others, and in the end, others served her and her family. Tonia said yesterday after the service, she wasn't sure if she had ever seen Celia at church when she wasn't in the kitchen serving during her time to worship. That is a testimony in itself.
You may not know all the verses, and how to say the right words, but just Pray and be Present. God will use you in a supernatural way like He used Celia, and now others mentioned above. Yesterday, and the past 3 years have made me proud to be a part of Oasis Church. You guys really get it.
I want to leave you with a few passages of scripture that might help you if you're visiting a sick person, or a family grieving. I use them often in funerals and during the difficult times. James and I both used a few of them yesterday:
*Psalms 23
*I Corinthians15:51-58
*II Corinthians 5:1-10, 14, 15
*John 14:1-6
*Psalms 121
*Revelation 21:1-4
*I Thessalonians 4:13-18
*James 4:13-15
I want to leave you with just a few more thoughts from yesterday. If you did not know Celia, this is the person she was. Prior to her last surgery in December and a sharp turn for the worse, she had written Tonia an email giving her an update of her condition. But this is what she was most concerned with: "I told my Doctor I can't afford to be sick for Christmas, because we are having Christmas at the Pines (Oasis)". And she was here, serving, just days before going into the hospital and then hospice. What a great testimony.