As I do periodically I wanted to share last weeks Email letter to our Local Oasis Family. Im late doing so and will have another one tomorrow afternoon, but there is some important info I shared I still felt was relevant about our Marriage Conference coming up with Bud McCord and new 7 Nights of Worship studies on Monday and Tuesday nights. There is also a staff update about some Positions being eliminated and the need for Volunteers in those areas. So if your part of our Local or Extended Oasis family please read and if you want to act do so. If not, at least you have the information of whats happening around the Oasis World of South Florida this week. (Again a reminder if your reading this for the first time, that the email sent out is in a diff. format than typepad blogs so several words are cut off the edge of page and some links wont work for some. ) BTW, I went over 1300 and added about 30 new friends this week. If your not one I hope you will become one. We also added about 20 new fans to our Oasis South Florida fan page as we are sharing Job openings and Job needs with each other.
Dear Oasis Family;
Have you ever experienced loneliness? If so, you know how dark it can be and how utterly desperate you can feel at times. Well, I'm not yet there, but I did notice on my Facebook this afternoon I now have 1297 ffriends. Now, I know they might not all be my best friend, but many are people I love dearly from family, to lifelong friends, to our Oasis Family. If you want to know the truth of it, the most important part of Facebook to me is the connection I'm able to make every day with our Oasis Family. Even those who might be traveling around the world or have moved away. I love our interaction. Sometimes it's humorous, sometimes corny, sometimes tense, reflective, or informational. Sometimes it is public interaction, and then sometimes it's through private messages about more serious things. I love Facebook, because I love Oasis Church and I just can't get enough of you onlyon Sunday or one of the nights of the week we might hug, or say hello. Sooooooooo...if you are not my Facebook Friend, would you be my Friend?????? If you are on Facebook, just click here and hit the friend request. If you're not on Facebook, why not???? Go on now and sign up. It's Free and it's Easy. At least give it a try. I want to bust through the 1300 friend ceiling. Something about types like me that always want to make everything a contest or game. So who will be my 1300th friend? If you're an Oasis Family member, and you'remy 1300th, I'll give you a free Oasis Polo Shirt -- man or woman. I'll let you know by Facebook if you won it, and where to pick it up.
Seriously, I like using Facebook for a variety of reasons. But this week I finally decided to use it for something I had not used it for -- To connect people who are out of work and need a job with those who might have a job where they work that they need to give someone. Wouldn't it be great if we could put the dent in the 17% of our Floridians, who are out of work or have given up even looking? One person at a time. I have some jobs already listed and some who need jobs. Pass the word.
In order to offer a job or ask for a job, you have to be on Facebook, and you need to be on our Oasis South Florida Fan page. If you aren't on the fan page as a Friend and Fan of Oasis get on now and click it. It takes like 10 seconds. Jobs aren't the only thing on the Fan Page of Oasis Church -- events, stories of our members and lots of neat little tidbits pop up daily there. Stay connected with your Oasis Family. (BTW, we had to lay off three employees this week due to the financial crunch Oasis Church is dealing with like so many. As you know we've been making cuts for two years. This was the hardest decision yet. If anyone has a facilities job for a man, or receptionist, or data entry job for a lady, we have 3 really great Christian folks who could use one and I can highly recommend them. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to continue to employ those positions.)
Along that line, this week at the Pines Campus I'll be asking folks to step up and man our phones, and help with office type jobs and graphic arts during the week, whether 4 hours or a day. We will need lots of volunteers to step in and help where we are having to eliminate a paid position. Listen to my announcement on Sunday.
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs -- that is what this week's email is about. Pray that God supplies many of our folks out of work with jobs. Now having said that, there are many things happening at Oasis Church. Please check it out at A few of the things are:
Take care, and I can't wait to see you on Facebook soon, or at church this weekend. God bless you and thank you for blessing me by allowing me to be your Pastor.