"I am blown away at the celebration of the violence against women in it. That's what comes across to me even more strongly than the anti-abortion message. I myself am a survivor of domestic violence, and I don't find it charming. I think CBS should be ashamed of itself." NOW president Terry O'Neill,
In one of the most telling stories I've ever witnessed in my life time, this week has exposed the incredible hypocrisy and utter disregard of intelligence and honesty. The NOW, (National Organization of Women) President actually called the Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad "Domestic Violence". I don't even know how to address this.
How can anyone ever take this group serious again, assuming anyone does any longer. They have been out of touch with the real world for decades and while Womens issues need to be addressed, this group has probably done more to damage the image of the average woman in America than any group i know of other than Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Rights League. All 3 extremely Far Left Kook organizations that really only the Far Left extremist and the National Media even take serious. Even the Left Leaning ABC which owns the ESPN network saw it for what it was.
Ill let you be the judge if this is Domestic Violence or not. The Ad will speak for itself. It is Surprising, NOT, that the NOW gang, never mentions the Betty White commercial in the same Super Bowl Game where this elderly woman is tackled in the mud no less. Selective outrage is about as hypocritical as you can get.
If the life of millions of Unborn Babies were not at stake here, I probably would ignore this controversy since I steer clear of Politics , unless they collide with Biblical and Moral truths in which Im called to publicly speak on. This is encroaching on the lives of millions of Babies who's lives will be snuffed out in the name of money, choice and rape. Lets call it what it is. Murder. People aren't pro choice and pro life, they are Pro Life or Pro Death. There is no in between . You cant mask it, and you can not put a pretty face on it. You cant hide behind a Name such as NOW, Naral or Planned Parent Hood. Its murder of the most innocent. Matthew 18: 6-7"But if you give them a hard time, bullying or taking advantage of their simple trust, you'll soon wish you hadn't. You'd be better off dropped in the middle of the lake with a millstone around your neck. Doom to the world for giving these God-believing children a hard time! Hard times are inevitable, but you don't have to make it worse—and it's doomsday to you if you do.
Jesus said those that harm a child, should have a anchor tied around their neck and they should be thrown into the lake. That is pretty strong language. Isn't it. I would say Abortion is the perfect example of what Jesus was talking about.
It is time Christians that truly believe that Life is valuable stand up against these types of people. Quit hiding behind your Political talking points, and your fear of the Political pressures of those around you. It is time to be salt and light. I am so glad Tim Tebow did this ad and Focus ran it. It has in the most sensitive and positive way shown what Pro Life is all about and what those who are Pro Death are all about. They have been "unmasked" . The most ugly of all "Domestic Violence" on Women is what they espouse , "Abortion"
God save America...........................