Sometimes I get accused when someone disagrees with something I post of being of a certain political persuasion. I think its kind of funny, because the person ignores all the times I might agree with them and then one time I give a opinion on something they differ on, they begin to throw names and accusations my way.
Almost always they pull the "Pastor, you know there are all kinds in our church" as if I should never have a personal opinion as a Pastor. What I guess they miss is every time a Pastor or any leader stands and says anything they have a certain world view they speak from. Not right, not wrong, just reality. I think those that have their own agenda like to use the Pastor thing to try to silence me. Well, it doesn't work. I am too careful all the time of what I say, so believe me if I say it I have thoroughly thought through it first. Doesn't always mean its right, or the only opinion that counts, just mine. So having said this, and needing to spout off a little, I want to share some good news about the economy. We sure have heard enough bad news the last two years. Im not so naive to believe this is now fixed and all better but its good to at least have some good news. I saw this article below, in our local Sun-sentinel and thought I would pass it along in case you missed the good news. Bad news always gets more press than good.
Now is been an ugly day here in South Florida. 7 Inches of rain in places. So much for Paradise. But hey, as I told a visiting friend. In order for Paradise to be beautiful we need rain. So what if we get a day a year like this. Ok, 2 days. Canceled most of my meetings today when having to drive. Too many flooded roads. Funny, watching the news just now as the Super Bowl teams arrived and they all had to walk out into the pouring rain. So much for Sunny South Florida. But this sunday is suppose to be Super!! Low 52 and high of 70. Yessssssss................
Economy soars 5.7 percent, fastest in 6 years
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The economy grew at its fastest pace in more than six years in the fourth quarter, surprising economists, as businesses curbed their aggressive cut in stocks and stepped up spending. For the full story click here