Posted at 01:44 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
"The Promise Land – In the Steps of Jesus" begins this weekend. I am so excited about opening this new series. Part of my message was taped in the Holy Land last week and I think it will be incredibly inspirational and encouraging to hear how His work 2000 years ago on the hillsides of the Sea of Galilee still applies to us today. I look forward to seeing you this weekend. Easter at Oasis and our message "Rise" is just a month away. Our teams are preparing what I believe might be our greatest Easter yet. Easter is not just our week to celebrate the Lord's resurrection, but it is the MOST LIKELY week for 40% of un-churched people to attend church if they are invited. This year, our goal is to reach 4,000 people at Easter. With our attendance averaging 10%+ more than last year, it's very achievable since we had 3,500 last year. This is a day we look forward to inviting family and friends that won't come any other weekend. Please make sure you take the Easter invite cards and give them out to anyone you meet or have in your "sphere of influence". This will be a life-changing weekend. In order to have adequate parking, seating and KidsWorld space, we are asking as many of our regular Oasis'ers as possible to attend one of our Easter Services on Good Friday, Easter EVE Saturday or the additional service we are adding on Sunday. Here are the 7 opportunities to attend Easter weekend: Thursday, March 29 - 7P (ONE Student Service) Good Friday, March 30 - 7P* (Family Fun time after service) Saturday, March 31 - 6P (Family Fun time after service) Easter Sunday, April 1 - 9A, 10:15A*, 11:45A*, 1P and 3P En Español * Indicates NEW service time. I just have to share what an incredible season it's been not only in our Community Groups but especially in one of our newest groups. Financial Peace University is a 9-week course where families learn budgeting, money management and stewardship of the resources God has given us. This semester under the direction of our Stewardship Director, Mr. Rick Napier, along with a team of volunteers, we have seen the largest group ever attending. What I especially love is not only are men leading out but half of the class attendance is men. In a society where men seem to be absent in spiritual and family-life, God has blessed us with some of the most amazing men. I am blessed to see what God is doing in this area. If you would like to be part of our next FPU class just write it on your Connect Card this weekend or go online at www.VisitOasis.org/Community and get more info on our ongoing FPU classes. Discover Track starts tomorrow, Saturday March 4 and Sunday March 5. If you are new to Oasis or have never been through this very informative discussion of who we are, where we have been, what we believe and where we are headed, you are encouraged to be here. We've made it so easy for you, it's after any of our services this weekend! Check it out! Please remember that on Saturday, March 10 during our Saturday night worship, we will be voting on new Church Council members. Come out on Saturday night at 6pm to meet these men and women who have accepted the roles of leadership and servanthood. I have some other phenomenal news to share in our Missions area but I'll wait till next week since this letter has gotten to be so long. God bless you and I look forward to seeing you this weekend. Guy Melton Senior and Founding Pastor Oasis Church of South Florida PS. Along with our growth in attendance this year, we have also seen a growth in the discipleship growth of our Oasis'ers lives in stewardship. Our tithes and offerings are 10% higher this year than last in this first part of the year. I am thankful since our ministry in the community constantly increases and our outreach is greater than ever. Thanks to the many of you who give the Lord's tithes and your offerings through Oasis Church and for those who have begun to give back to the Lord this past year. It is because of you we are able to continue to impact lives for eternity. If you would prefer to give ONLINE instead of the envelope in the service you can give online 24/7 RIGHT HERE. IT TOOK ME ABOUT 1 MINUTE TODAY.
Posted at 05:56 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 09:44 PM in Church Emails, Message Thoughts, Missions, Oasis Church (Pines Campus), Religion, Travel, www.visitoasis.org | Permalink | Comments (0)
In 26 Years as a church, this is a first! There are not many firsts anymore now that our church is 26 years old. I remember back when there were “firsts” of some major degree almost every month and year. But with growth and longevity, the “first time" for something significant doesn’t come along very often, but when they do, they are very special.
This week has been a first! For the first time since we launched Oasis Church with our core of 11 adults in September of 1991, I believe Oasis Church has tasted what a true “revival” is. In recent years churches have called special meetings revivals where they bring in an Evangelist and some do this annually. But I’ve only truly seen one once in my lifetime – a moment in time when what I experienced was only God and no man, service or event. This week, I have seen “revival" for the second time. This time at Oasis Church.
It wasn't scripted or choreographed with lights, fog machines, or some event but it came organically through the prayers of God’s people. As I shared with our staff this morning, we have seen God. He has come down and touched us in the last 36 hours – during our 24 Hour Prayer Vigil and ending with our Night of Worship and breaking of our fast with a full auditorium worshiping God together last night.
I don't think revival can be fully explained or understood and I find it hard, even now, to share what God’s done in our midst to those who have not experienced it first hand. All I know is God has been here this week like I’ve never seen it. From the moment almost 300 different Oasis'ers came through the Prayer War Room set up Tuesday night in our Community Cafe, the reaction was the same, "God is here,” the presence of God is so strong here. He was and is.
Most of us have struggled to even explain what’s happened and that is how it was in the Bible when God touched people and revival came. It wasn’t something that could be explained in human words. You just know you’ve been with the Lord and He has changed you. Even as I type, I have to keep stopping and erasing because I just can’t explain what we have witnessed these last 36 hours. I just long to experience it again and again.
Revival comes when God’s people humble themselves, pray and seek His face. That is what we have done this week and He has brought revival in our hearts and souls. Hundreds of prayer requests have been saturated with prayer and we will see God’s answers for years to come. Chains have and will be broken.
I would like to end this email with a few testimonies people have shared with me. Since I have not asked permission I’ll leave their names off but these represent a few of what hundreds have felt this week. If you were here, you understand.
"My husband and I were there and just felt God's presence and his peace which surpasses all understanding. We prayed over a few stations and truly believe that we will be hearing testimonies of answered prayers. A church that prays together – stays together and is up for a great blessing. My husband and I want to thank you for bringing this vigil to Oasis and would love to have more of them." Long-time members
"WOW, WOW, WOW! What a great move of God! " Millennial
“… I prayed with her on Tuesday night she told me it was her second time here and that she used to go to church but somehow she got lost... She was here praying with her Grandma.” Long Time Member. NOTE: This girl in this note brought her whole family to "Night of Worship" last night. Her brother got saved last night!
"The feeling of community amongst the people who attended the prayer vigil was immense, even without uttering a word to each other. Wouldn't it be great if we could have a War Room within the church where people could come in and experience what we experienced in those 24 hrs?" First Impressions Champion
"I could sense God’s presence and His angels all around us as soon as I stepped into the building. It was like heaven went down into our church and even when I couldn’t see them with my own eyes I felt angels and God’s spirit all over the place (I know I sound crazy). It was so so overwhelming, I was bawling my eyes out during all the service from beginning to end and it was extremely overwhelming in a good sense... honestly, I was not ready to feel what I felt. Well, He said it! If there are 2-3 gathered in His name, He would be there and hollyyyyyy mollyyyyyy He was, and all His court!" New Oasis Member
“… Was blown away by the number of men who came to pray before work.” Oasis Team member
"As soon as I stepped inside the Cafe (Prayer Room) I was overwhelmed with the presence of God. You can feel the spirit of the Lord here. God is absolutely working." ONE Students member
"It’s amazing when a man walks in (Prayer Vigil) and says I have no idea what I'm doing and as you walk him through, God leads him to the prayer wall and he is just in tears and God turns him into a Prayer Warrior. He is a new Christian, just saved in November." Prayer Room Host
"This is the most powerful thing I've ever witnessed. Seriously. Kudos to everyone who made this come to fruition. I pray we can do this more." New Millennial Oasis'er
"Pretty amazing – not only did I get to pray for several people but if other people saw someone crying, they were going over and praying for them also. Totally amazing" Prayer Room Host
"Just leaving Oasis right now. Such an amazing time of introspection and intimacy with the Father. I will definitely be back tomorrow" Kids World Volunteer
Oasis, God has blessed us with His presence, may we be faithful in prayer and our faithfulness to Him. To be continued…
Guy Melton
Senior and Founding Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
P.S. There were also 64 new Prayer Partners who signed up to be my partners each week in praying over our services and those on our Prayer Digest. If you would like to join us, just let us know and I’ll send you the details. Email [email protected].
Posted at 05:52 PM in Church Emails, Church Staff, Message Thoughts, Missions, Oasis Church (Pines Campus), Religion, www.visitoasis.org | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Dear Oasis Family and Friends, This FALL is an exciting time at Oasis Church and it’s also a very draining time for all of us living in South Florida. It seems like the clean up from Irma will never end and for some, it hasn’t even begun. After a month, our neighborhood hasn’t been touched by our city. But in the big scheme of things, we are most fortunate to have been spared. We need to keep reminding ourselves of this when we tend to want to complain about some of the inconveniences.Because the storms for the most part missed us, we also have the opportunity to serve others who were not so fortunate. By now you know there were many islands slammed and some demolished. Our Keys were damaged heavily and many small cities in South West Florida are hurting with very little attention. Tonia is serving the people of Immokalee, which is just west of Lake Okeechobee, about 90 miles from Broward.
If you haven’t picked up on it yet, I think God has “proclaimed” FALL 2017 as the fall of Missions with Oasis. We are also working on trips this fall to all the islands hardest hit by this Summer’s hurricanes. More to come on that. If you are interested in a particular island and want to be notified if and when we go, please email [email protected] and let Jonathan and the team know. "Experiencing God" continues this week. I know God orchestrated this series for this specific season in the life of you and I as well as Oasis Church. This week I’m bringing the message on Reality #6, “Adjusting our lives to where God is working.” I would say adjustment is 100% of what we are having to do right now as a church and ministry as God has opened up so many doors for us to love and “be the drop”. We can’t meet every need but we can be the drop for one! I look forward to seeing you this weekend. Check out our 6pm Saturday Night Service if you have not yet been to this one. It’s growing and there’re some special family events that the ones on Sunday don’t have. See you then. Guy Melton P.S. To continue to give to the Hurricane relief efforts and to give your tithes and offerings, you can bring it this weekend or go online anytime 24/7 and give back to the Lord. We are grateful God allows us to be His conduit from your giving to a hurting community and world. Love you guys. tel 954.433.4838 | fax 954.433.2004 | [email protected] |
Posted at 10:05 PM in International Internet Campus, Message Thoughts, Missions, Oasis Church (Hollywood), Oasis Church (Pines Campus), Religion, Surge/Youth, Travel | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 12:00 AM in Church Emails, Current Affairs, Message Thoughts, Oasis Church (Pines Campus), Religion, www.visitoasis.org | Permalink | Comments (0)
Dear Oasis Extended Family and Friends;
Over $1 Million Dollars pledged to Love Cities, Love Pastors Missions Outreach last week. How can you put what happened into words? I’m not sure how I can but I’ll try to just give you some of the highlights. If you missed the Celebration Dinner on Wednesday night, words can’t really do justice. If you missed the weekend services when our pledges kept climbing in each service and “tears were flowing freely" like I’ve never seen before, then I am not sure I can really paint the picture. But here are some highlights.
"Love Cities, Love Pastors Celebration Dinner." Last Wednesday night after almost 600 adults, teens and children signed up for the dinner, most of them showed up to pack our auditorium and cafe. It was an amazing sight. Most were blown away by the beauty of the room and the decorations our staff and volunteers had prepared for such a special occasion (hopefully in the future we can figure out how to accommodate more of our Oasis family since we had to shut down registrations when we filled our building). The night began with a beautiful meal and a "jazz combo" playing as we ate, but that was just the beginning. After an incredible 15-minute video of all that God has done through you, Oasis, over the last 3 years as you have given to LCLP, we could have just gone home. Hundreds, if not thousands, have been touched and changed through your giving. Following the video Pastor Daryl Gaddy, our partner in Detroit, brought an inspiring challenge to us to continue the work that God has started. He also brought us up to date with the new Missions Center we are helping him to complete in Detroit. You can watch the video from last weekend here! It’s incredible.
The highlight of the night was when the pledges came in and they far surpassed the goal for the dinner of $500,000 for Love Cities, Love Pastors outreach over the next 3 years. Because of this we were able to present Pastor Tommy and Kristin Parke a check for $10,000 towards their new church plant, City Church, in Miami. We also presented Pastor Daryl with a $10,000 gift towards completing the Missions Center his church is establishing in inner city Detroit. Those were amazing moments.
The night ended with a reminder to keep praying and giving and a thank you gift "mug" to everyone in attendance. By the way, if you have your mug and you’re using it take a picture and post your “Mug Shot" on social media, hashtag it #lclpmugshot and we will share it. Love seeing them. Keep posting.
The LCLP Weekend was one of the highlights of our almost 26 years on this little corner. Service after service, as we shared the LCLP vision for the next 3 years with those who had not been at the dinner, we continued to add to the pledge totals for local and US missions and church planting over the next 3 years. During the 9am service we went over the $750, 000 pledge mark and we were able to present Lily Garcia, our Executive Director of Community and Leadership Development, another $10,000 check toward the NEW homeless single moms’ home called "Asia's House.” This was probably the most emotional moment of the entire weekend. You will hear more as we continue to give to LCLP and find the home to house homeless moms and their children.
More than $1 Million in pledges was reached at our last service of the day during our 1pm service. ONLY GOD! (The total continues to grow. If you missed last weekend we will have pledge cards available this weekend at all services so you can still be a part of this miraculous Missions outreach that has grown far beyond our original vision.)
"Tommy and Kristin Parke sent out!” The icing on the cake this past weekend was the ending of our LCLP weekend and service when we had an opportunity to pray over and officially send Pastor Tommy and Kristin out as our church planters to begin a new church next year in the heart of downtown Miami. City Church is now a reality. It was so emotional for me since I still remember so vividly how my home church, First Baptist Church of West Hollywood, sent Tonia and I out almost 26 years ago as Pastor Bud McCord spoke the words, "We give you away", the same words I spoke this past weekend. Pray for the Parkes as they spend the next 9 months preparing to birth this new baby church in Miami.
Next week I’ll share more about all that our Love Cities, Love Pastors will be supporting over the next 3 years. Your pledges do NOT have to be given all at once. You have 3 years. If you want to give online you can here, when you give the Lord’s tithes, and if you would like to pledge online you can also do that by just clicking HERE!
Pastor Jeremy Higdon will be speaking this weekend. We’ll be welcoming one of our former staff pastors and church planters back to Oasis this weekend. Don’t miss it. God has used Jeremy and Jeannine in a huge way in Jacksonville since we sent them out 7 years ago, and he will give us an update of all God is and has done there because of your faithfulness and giving to that new church 7 years ago.
Love you guys and see you this weekend.
Guy Melton
Senior and Founding Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
PS. When you give the Lord His tithes and your Bike for Haiti, Missions and Love Cities, Love Pastors offerings, you can always do it here ONLINE or bring it to the service you attend. Thanks Oasis for being so generous and giving to those who have far greater needs than we do.
Dear Oasis Extended Family and Friends;
Over $1 Million Dollars pledged to Love Cities, Love Pastors Missions Outreach last week. How can you put what happened into words? I’m not sure how I can but I’ll try to just give you some of the highlights. If you missed the Celebration Dinner on Wednesday night, words can’t really do justice. If you missed the weekend services when our pledges kept climbing in each service and “tears were flowing freely" like I’ve never seen before, then I am not sure I can really paint the picture. But here are some highlights.
"Love Cities, Love Pastors Celebration Dinner." Last Wednesday night after almost 600 adults, teens and children signed up for the dinner, most of them showed up to pack our auditorium and cafe. It was an amazing sight. Most were blown away by the beauty of the room and the decorations our staff and volunteers had prepared for such a special occasion (hopefully in the future we can figure out how to accommodate more of our Oasis family since we had to shut down registrations when we filled our building). The night began with a beautiful meal and a "jazz combo" playing as we ate, but that was just the beginning. After an incredible 15-minute video of all that God has done through you, Oasis, over the last 3 years as you have given to LCLP, we could have just gone home. Hundreds, if not thousands, have been touched and changed through your giving. Following the video Pastor Daryl Gaddy, our partner in Detroit, brought an inspiring challenge to us to continue the work that God has started. He also brought us up to date with the new Missions Center we are helping him to complete in Detroit. You can watch the video from last weekend here! It’s incredible.
The highlight of the night was when the pledges came in and they far surpassed the goal for the dinner of $500,000 for Love Cities, Love Pastors outreach over the next 3 years. Because of this we were able to present Pastor Tommy and Kristin Parke a check for $10,000 towards their new church plant, City Church, in Miami. We also presented Pastor Daryl with a $10,000 gift towards completing the Missions Center his church is establishing in inner city Detroit. Those were amazing moments.
The night ended with a reminder to keep praying and giving and a thank you gift "mug" to everyone in attendance. By the way, if you have your mug and you’re using it take a picture and post your “Mug Shot" on social media, hashtag it #lclpmugshot and we will share it. Love seeing them. Keep posting.
The LCLP Weekend was one of the highlights of our almost 26 years on this little corner. Service after service, as we shared the LCLP vision for the next 3 years with those who had not been at the dinner, we continued to add to the pledge totals for local and US missions and church planting over the next 3 years. During the 9am service we went over the $750, 000 pledge mark and we were able to present Lily Garcia, our Executive Director of Community and Leadership Development, another $10,000 check toward the NEW homeless single moms’ home called "Asia's House.” This was probably the most emotional moment of the entire weekend. You will hear more as we continue to give to LCLP and find the home to house homeless moms and their children.
More than $1 Million in pledges was reached at our last service of the day during our 1pm service. ONLY GOD! (The total continues to grow. If you missed last weekend we will have pledge cards available this weekend at all services so you can still be a part of this miraculous Missions outreach that has grown far beyond our original vision.)
"Tommy and Kristin Parke sent out!” The icing on the cake this past weekend was the ending of our LCLP weekend and service when we had an opportunity to pray over and officially send Pastor Tommy and Kristin out as our church planters to begin a new church next year in the heart of downtown Miami. City Church is now a reality. It was so emotional for me since I still remember so vividly how my home church, First Baptist Church of West Hollywood, sent Tonia and I out almost 26 years ago as Pastor Bud McCord spoke the words, "We give you away", the same words I spoke this past weekend. Pray for the Parkes as they spend the next 9 months preparing to birth this new baby church in Miami.
Next week I’ll share more about all that our Love Cities, Love Pastors will be supporting over the next 3 years. Your pledges do NOT have to be given all at once. You have 3 years. If you want to give online you can here, when you give the Lord’s tithes, and if you would like to pledge online you can also do that by just clicking HERE!
Pastor Jeremy Higdon will be speaking this weekend. We’ll be welcoming one of our former staff pastors and church planters back to Oasis this weekend. Don’t miss it. God has used Jeremy and Jeannine in a huge way in Jacksonville since we sent them out 7 years ago, and he will give us an update of all God is and has done there because of your faithfulness and giving to that new church 7 years ago.
Love you guys and see you this weekend.
Guy Melton
Senior and Founding Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
PS. When you give the Lord His tithes and your Bike for Haiti, Missions and Love Cities, Love Pastors offerings, you can always do it here ONLINE or bring it to the service you attend. Thanks Oasis for being so generous and giving to those who have far greater needs than we do.
Guy Melton
Senior Pastor
Oasis Church of South Florida
12201 SW 14th St.
Pembroke Pines, FL 33025
Pastor Guy,
Unfortunately, I’m writing you to inform you that after much deliberation, prayer and fasting I am resigning from my position as Student Pastor of the Oasis Church. I have been working closely with Pastor Ricky and we have agreed that August 31st will be my last day of employment.
Thank you very much for the opportunities for professional and personal development that you have provided me during the last three years. As I write this letter tears weld up in my eyes to think about the amazing graces that you have afforded me and my family during some of the most trying times of our lives. C.S. Lewis once said, “We can ignore even pleasure. But pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” The last 3 years have felt like God was a camp counselor, Benjamin’s passing, flooded house, mother passing, Father’s brain aneurysm, Silas hospitalized, Aaren experiencing kidney failure, ankle injuries, and knee injuries.
Through all the pain and tears you have continued to impart wisdom and love. The Oasis family is such a great reflection of their leader, because as you continued to pour down encouragement, so did they! All the love that the Oasis family has shown throughout the years has made this decision even more difficult. Who knew that a Mexican’s second language would be Patwa instead of Spanish?
I can never thank you enough for allowing me the opportunity to be apart of Oasis Church. Thank you for the long talks in your office, thank you for the messages of encouragement and the moments of challenges. Your humility is bar none, your life is an incredible example and I’m beyond grateful to have had the chance to serve under your leadership. My only prayer is that I may have been a small blessing during time at Oasis church.
Joseph Gutierrez
Pastor Guy,
Back in 2013 when my husband asked me what I thought about moving to Florida, I laughed and said "Ha No" I didn't want to leave my comfort spot of life. But in the last 3 years what I didn't know was that here at Oasis I would find healing in ways I didn't know I needed. I would come to terms that I was broken in ways that I didn't even realize. I made life long friends that have forever impacted my life. God placed a calling in my heart that I shut the door to a long time ago. I found a church home and family that I never had before. Through the years I watched my 5 year old fall in and understand Jesus. During the hardest times of Silas short little life he was always surrounded by people who loved him. I believe it was the love and prayers of everyone here that has brought him this far.
Never would I have imagine the conversation would come up again. But when the topic did came back up from my husband "How would you feel about moving back home" to my husbands surprised I said "ha NO" but through a lot of prayer ,consul and fasting we have decided as a family that the next session of life would be best spent at home with family. As you know Silas took us by surprise and we underestimated everything that would come with that. As a mom I knew in my heart it was a new session of staying at home. So With a heavy but trusting heart I am resigning from my position as the Pre-School director at Oasis Church. Effective August 31st, 2017.
Oasis has been a bigger drop to me and my family than we could have ever been to oasis. We are forever grateful for the drop Oasis has been in our lives and hearts. Every leader that God has placed before has forever molded me into a better person. Pastor Guy and Tonia blew my mind when coming here. The way you lead with love before anything else is unreal. You have taught me more with the way you love on people than anything else. There is never going to be another Guy and Tonia.
I know at the end of the day we're are all still apart of the same kingdom but not being apart of the same house will be hard to get through.
I pray as much as Oasis was a blessing in my life and my family's life I was the same.
Aaren Gutierrez
Posted at 11:18 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)